wow.. i guess its been long since i updated my diary yah..
yup, lots of things happen after we broke up.. I bought a LCD tv for my house, paying it in instalments... I sms him and asked him back for my 4k, but he didn't reply and so I guess my money's gone forever..
I bought a imac laptop from joyce's friend. Envied him for being able to do the things he like and he had his own office, own business, own time to himself...
YP, MH and me decided to do business.. Decided to bring clothes from overseas to here to sell online.. So have been really busy with that these few days... Voir Couture, formally launched on 13 Jul 2006... But I feel that its still a long way to go lah.. SO have to keep working hard at it.. Think of ways to improve the way we can bring our clothes to customers and have them trust online shopping...
Played mahjong with different groups of people every week.. Also good lah, to pass time quickly on weekends.. Went escape theme park on one of the saturdays with JP, his gf, shalley and andrew.. Fun but felt really old as we were really tired at the end of it.. Hahaha...
Stomach acted up on one of the days.. So told myself that I have TO really take care of my diet (i.e. skip spicy food and diary products lor...)
Super busy at work also.. Haiz.. And have to do my stuff for VC.. So these few weeks, have been feeling really tired everyday... Haven't been sleeping as early as before... Hahaha...
But at least keeps me occupied... Very soon, it will be one month since we broke up... And till now, I'm still thinking of him... Almost everyday... I think of what he is doing right now.. Whether or not he got think of me? Sigh.. I think I really react slow huh.. Some days I will wake up, thinking that he is still with me, and that we will meet later in the day... Sometimes, it really feels like a dream...
Just like I told YJ, there are few hao nan ren around me... But then, no feelings, no chemistry... Is it really "nan ren bu huai, nu ren bu ai"? Too guai, I think.. So different from him lor... Good husbands but bad boyfriends, he said... Hahaha.. And who will guess that now, YJ and myself are really like "good" friends now... But then I still suan him alot during mahjong lah.. Dunno why also.. Hehehe.. Usual loggerheads... As if I will not feel good if I don't suan him... Hahaha...
Doing VC.. actually it was me who initiated doing a business together... But then, is it really what I want? I know i'm not ambitous.. And I'm not those who yearn to earn lots of money... So what on earth am I doing? Just like what I told MH, probably, I hope that it wil be a success so that the story can be spread to his ears? But then, I never thought that if its a failure, it will also spread to him as well...
But then I still hope we can make VC a success... Making profits aren't my priority.. Just hope that there will be people who likes the clothes that we bring in... Hahaha.. Jia you, girls!
Happy Birthday to you, Girl... And also, Happy 2nd year anniversary to YP and ST...
May only happiness surrounds us....