Sunday, August 26, 2007

friday night. finally meet sx after say, 2 months plus of sms-ing? lol!

well, before that, we did arrange a few times but we din get to meet, either he was busy or i decide to put aeroplane last minute, hahaha.. but fri night, we finally met.

went sakae @ suntec for dinner. but my appetite wasn't that good, so i din eat that much. then we went partyworld for ktv. oh, just the two of us! hahaha!

can see that he loves to sing. well, it was enjoyable but i was damn tired in the end.

he's a friend of yve. he was previously in airforce (again) but now working and studying a part time engineering degree.

got to say this again, he has got some shadows of chris. dunno is it cos all airforce guys feels the same.. hahaha! sings, lovest watching movies, except that he dun play mj, hahaa! crappy, joker, he has got a smiley face, smiles (or giggles, or laughs, i cant make it out) as he talks (dunno when is serious talk or crap talk) and more more, i cannot recall more.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

"dun do this again"

he said that to me!
a normal phrase. can be said by anybody. but it came out from his mouth.. sounds especially sweet!

sotong. 傻人有傻福。

thats what my friends call me. sounds silly but i like it!


Saturday, August 18, 2007


friday night. met up with sh, andrew and jp. we went marina square foodcourt to eat. hahaa, and we watched the fireworks from there!

it was a good place to watch from there.

well, supposed to start at 9pm but they werent punctual. we were still trying to guess whose watch was the most punctual.

and then it started!!

such a nice sight! my tears almost came down.. pak! pak! pak! just infront of our eyes.. nice, amazing, lovely.. almost indescribable! i just love it!!

though there were many ppl. though the place we were at wasn't fantastic and ideal. though the company i had was abit odd. though the going home part was scary cos of the crowd. but i still loved it and it will be unforgetable...

the last time i saw fireworks was at a ndp preview. he brought me to the preview cos i wanted to watch fireworks. fireworks are nice, memories are good.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


contented with life. how many of us can be contented with life?

no.. not many left in this world. when one gets more, he wants more. when he sees other ppl having things he doesnt have, he wants that too. just to fulfil one common trait of human nature, greed.

not saying that i am not greedy.. i am also human. because i realised recently that i am greedy too, but my greed leads me to losing even more rather than having more, the initial goal that i wanted.

when things dun go the way i want, i find myself useless. but i am supposed to learn from mistakes. perhaps i shouldnt be so greedy. perhaps i shld just learn to be contented.

a happy life is what you deem it to be and not determined by other external things.

everything happens for a reason. i believe its supposed to teach me something...

Thursday, August 02, 2007

if you have been hurt by love before, you would know the pain and how much you want to avoid that pain again.

if now was in the past, i would have taken the first step bravely.

now, i am hesitant. hesitant and hesitant. i dont dare, i really dont dare. i am scared, scared of rejections, scared of sadness, just scared of the negative feeling.

i wish i had.....

i wish i had done this. i wish i had done that.

i realised that recently, i keep saying that to myself. regretted the decisions i made. sigh.. why is that so..

i keep looking back. but that is not good.

one shouldnt look back. well, we can ONLY look infront...

aww.. how regretful i feel..