Monday, March 23, 2009

he din cry for the previous injections.. he was good..

recently he started to cry and shout pain.. we expected him to be as good as before.. we scolded him for being naughty.. we got impatient with him.

we are taking him for granted.. actually it is painful.. and who can understand the pain except for himself? he has to right to cry, to shout pain and dislike injections.. how can i expect him to understand and not cry??

be strong boy.. its a long road ahead. and only you can make urself walk the long and tough road. i know you are a clever boy. i know you would be able to do it. and you do understand the every single thing that i say to you, right?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Kim Mei's wedding at THe Sheraton.

It was a small ballroom. But it was simple, elegant and .. Simply nice!!

Can see that they are a very 幸福 de couple.. Wishing you a blissful marriage!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

went to wai siong's wedding. hmm, it was quite a last minute thingy. well, u know.. hmm.. anyway i wish him a blissful marriage!

wasn't too bad. met a few friends that we haven talk to for a long time.

but actually, i got to admit, as one gets older, yes, our PR skills do improve.. but the feeling, the atmosphere is just different.. could feel that we are only PR-ing... Or maybe i shldnt say PR-ing, i shld say the conversations were.. formal...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

yeah my 2nd driving practical!

it was good.. really, practice makes perfect..
woohoo, i have to book my practicals now!!!! hope i can finish my mid year? hahaha...

though stil abit scared, but my instructor says, no need to be scared!! kekeke..

Monday, March 09, 2009

my first driving lesson! so stressed up~ saw alot of cars in the driving circuit!

wasn't too bad. just kept driving round and round.. had to keep to the centre of the lane, had to turn around bends.. brrr.... i think i need more practice...

Sunday, March 08, 2009

i lost. i really lost. entirely.

i feel cheated.. by a friend.

elmo is right. at times, we should be selfish and not share our things.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

pisces, cancer, virgo, capricon.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

haven been sleeping well recently.. keep having dreams.. makes me tired.

"Real life, real marriage involves a commitment to a real person with all her flaws and individual needs. A real life together is doing the dishes together when you are tired and paying the mortgage together. "

i am reading a book recently.. its nice.

Monday, March 02, 2009

i really miss.. really miss..
i said that.. but not a positive reply from anywhere..

HAIZ.. when i go home everyday, i hoped for something to happen. something that i've always thought abt it. even dreamt of it. but as time goes by, i know it is not going to happen.

unrealistic ah? dreamy ah? but i hold on to that hope. hoping that it will come true some day.