Thursday, March 29, 2012

He complained of hands aching when he was doing his homework just now.... Complained of little strength in his hands... Not sure if he is lazy or really 手没力...

I miss food.....…
Kemp called me to tell me that our new lift is ready for use... And even reminded me to press 10th floor instead of the usual 11th floor.... Lol

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Home cooked Tomyam Maggi Mee

Lazy lazy.... And weekends are over... Another week of staying late begins....

Saturday, March 24, 2012

E-Storage.. Nightmare.

Been staying till 8 plus in office this whole week... Tired tired tired.....

Need to catch up on my sleep on weekends.....

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Still hurting.. I just want to rest..
Don't feel like doing anything else...

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Yesterday woke up with back and shoulders aching... Still aching till now.

I can't turn my head properly.. And its quite torturing... Am I too heaty? And I still ate Mac for lunch..... =__=

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Rained the whole of last night. Rained the whole of today. Cold day.

I guessed I didn't really sleep last night. Cos I heard it rained.. And found it disturbing. Couldn't really sleep. Kept thinking how to draft email to the stupid client, of the things I need to do the next day...

Tired today.

Not enough sleep = Tired = Sleepy = Using brain extra hard = Headaches = 100 plus and medicated oil ...... = Torturing......

Pain.... I need my sleep....

Didn't sleep well last night.. My eyes are getting tired.... =(

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Took half day today. Went to office to work in the morning. But feeling tired now. Movie's at 5pm, so hanging around... Should have booked the 3.30pm slot...

After today.. I guess I have to work till the end of the month le... Work work and work... Getting abit tired of work....

Monday, March 12, 2012

Yeay! Finished finished all the work I brought home.. Although I got 2 days MC but I guess I am going back to work tomorrow.... I hope nothing crops up in the morning and I can leave at 12 punctually!

Our 3-way cover is gonna start soon.. Elmo, Jes and myself. Its not gonna be easy, and more troublesome and etc..... And I can feel that Elmo is getting irritated with Jes.... Anyway take things as it comes bah.... Take it easy and Breathe...

Sore eyes. Doc gave me 2 days MC. A chance to finish the work I didn't finish on the weekends...
But.. Still feeling tired and laZy..

Sunday, March 11, 2012

I brought work home.. Yet I have not started.
I slept the whole day yesterday.. I was too tired.

But yet I could fall asleep again just now after waking up at 7 plus this morning..

I think if I can, I can go on and sleep and sleep and never wake up.. If I lost consciousness, I guess I will not have any determination to wake up.
Guess I may be overly anxious... Give it time...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Not asleep yet no replies...
No matter what I say, How I say, he just don't understand.

When I meant this way, He interpret as the other way. What happened to us? I want to solve this problem but I really dunno how... Helpless.

My parents feel stressed and afraid that I may have to bear the burden alone of providing for them.

And so they hope I can find someone who can share the burden with me.
Whatever I said.. Is probably not accepted and absorbed.

Whatever my explanations are... Are probably deemed as excuses or reasons.

Whatever I do.. Is probably not being understood.


Thursday, March 08, 2012

Jealous. Unhappy. Unsure. Stressed. Anxious. Nervous.

Finally. Headache again...

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Everything I do, I do it for them.....

If my parents think that I am selfish.... Then I better be off dead.....

In the news recently...

1 woman had this rare illness.. She only had 1 day of memory. She couldn't remember what happened to her 2 days ago or 2 months ago or 2 years ago. She could only remember yesterday.


A teen died of brain tumour. She was only 18. She had persistent headaches. Ended with feeling of nausea. Went to hospital check, found a tumour in her brain. But she was brave. Never complained of the pain.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

They say headaches happens when you use your brain too much.....
Have I been over-using my brain recently.......?

Monday, March 05, 2012

Haven't been sleeping well these days.. Feeling something's very wrong...

Life is short... I don't want to have regrets... I should say whatever I ought to say...

I like this photo posted by Kemp's mum on Facebook..

Life is short

Sunday, March 04, 2012


Time to start work. Jiayou. Work hard. Hope to finish all the work I have brought home.

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Just back from JB.. Think the last time I went was Dec last year.. But bad day today.. Didn't have enough sleep last night.. Was sleepy even before I reached JB.. In the end, I was super tired and ended up with headache and loss of appetite.. Didn't really eat for dinner.

Just want to reach home and have a good sleep.

51.2.. Lowest weight in these few months... Weight increases I am concerned.. Weight drops I am also concerned.... How contradicting can I get....

Dad feels weird these days.. Treats me very nice.. As though feeling guilty towards me.... As though trying to make up to me....

Friday, March 02, 2012

Something I bought for myself recently.... Bought something similar for my Dad and Mum too.... Hoping to Keep everyone lucky and healthy....

Finally finished my filing today.... And cleared my desk... Seems like I am ready to shift office! Lol...

Brought work home too.... Totally immersed in work....



Thursday, March 01, 2012

Finally Thursday! Tmr's Friday... Can have my break again....
Stressed at work... Never ending work... :-(

I hope.... Pray hard..... Hope my family members stay healthy always....