Sunday, September 30, 2012

Thick skinned... Shameless...
Courage leads to freedom...

Friday, September 28, 2012

I am feeling a bit bad....

Thursday, September 27, 2012

My stomach... feeling strange and making lots of noises.... keep wanting to go to the toilet... think I have to stop eating the medicine....
Feeling weird....

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Louise's Med is really powerful... She gave me something to relieve my constipation... I ate in the morning... And I went toilet EXPLODED thereafter.... I felt as though my stomach was cleared...
I could walk to Raffles place for dinner today!! Haha but I think I walked too much, knees a bit aching... And this is different from the pain beforehand.

Today's lunch was ayam penyet.. A big packet for $5. Couldn't really finish...

Tmr is Kemp doctor appointment... His readings have been high recently.. Haiz dunno how to face the doctor Tmr... And I need to rush back to office after that.... The curse is happening again... My work!! Before I go on leave.... I hope I can clear.....

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I got my Med from Louise... Hopefully the pain will go away... Today everyone said I looked happy.... I think it was because I was gonna eat my Malay chicken rice at Amoy for lunch... Co's after lunch, my happiness went away.... Lol...

Monday, September 24, 2012

2 rounds of diarrhoea.. Actually my stomach was making noises after the nasi briyani this afternoon.. Finally exploded.

I was watching the drama... Suddenly found the scenario familiar...

Today wore pants to work and my kneecaps wasn't hurting... Friday also wore pants and it wasn't hurting too. Is it that I have to cover my knees in order not to hurt? Hmm....

This week's Lucky menu is nice and yummy! Haha... I don't have to go out for lunch....

How was your sleep?

Hmm didn't sleep well.... Woke up in the middle of the night, thinking about how to do my work for the week... Haiz... Zombie...

How was your sleep?

Hmm didn't sleep well.... Woke up in the middle of the night, thinking about how to do my work for the week... Haiz... Zombie...

Sunday, September 23, 2012

After so long.....

I begin to understand that.... Actually we are not able to satisfy each and every one, each and every problem ... But as long as the majority of people or problems are satisfied, it is considered an accomplishment already....
There are always bound to have a minority of people or minority problems unsatisfied or unresolved... Which is inevitable.
I did nothing today but eat sleep and watch tv....

And now I can feel my headaches coming.... Save me!!

Headaches headaches... Go away!!!
Don't come find me!!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

How was your day?

Managed to bring Dad to Genki Sushi today.. Always wanted to bring him along... But he only ate the fried stuff... Wanted to bring him to food court thereafter but he said he was full.... Then it was cold stone for Kemp and home....

This week is the F 1 week... We could hear the racers when our bus passed through the race route just now.... Kemp was happy. He wants to see the grand prix Tmr so he says Tmr dinner we gonna take away, no going out... Lol.

It suddenly dawned on me that... Maybe my kneecaps pain started is Co's it wanted me to quit bubble tea? No more cold drinks for me?

My kneecaps was better yesterday... But today the pain came back.... Was it because of the bubble tea yesterday? I ordered no ice...

Suddenly feels like going back to work....

Friday, September 21, 2012


It's Friday... I don't wish to sleep early... But there's nothing to do or talk.... These days I feel that I could just keep working and working


It's Friday... I don't wish to sleep early... But there's nothing to do or talk.... These days I feel that I could just keep working and working
My kneecaps slightly better today... Hope it gets better... Ssshh....
My colleague read this in the papers today...
Like to eat chilli = 果断。
Like sweet stuff = 善良,随和。
Like bitter stuff = impatient.


Who says older people find it hard to adapt to new things?

I am used to getting out of the house at 730 and reaching office before 830...

And it's not long ago that I started this....

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Oh Yeah I finally can have my bubble tea Tmr!!
It's Friday! I am not afraid of being sleepless on Fridays!
How was your day?

Still the same... The pain did not lessen.
Lunch was good and yummy... But till now I still not sure if I had to pay for the lunch...

Feeling emotional... Thinking about alot of things... But seriously I don't have to think so much right.... Let it be....

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How are you today?

I applied the Thailand boxing medicated oil yesterday night and this morning... And it felt a little better....

No headache or symptom of headache .. Good!

Actually I remembered... When Louise poked my head that day, it was super painful! I forgot to shout in pain! Must be something wrong with my head that's causing the frequent headaches....

Lunch was free today !! Had Indonesian food... Average but it was really expensive! Had coffee bean thereafter... Drank hot chocolate and ate white chocolate raspberry cake... Nice!! Best thing was all was free!!

Yeah saved a meal today...

I wish I could everyday sit in office shake leg, watch show on phone, talk on the phone with my friends... While my colleagues slog it out..

I still don't understand why it is not assigned to those who got more time....

Haiz.... Speechless....

I need to slow down my pace.....

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How are you feeling?

I slept at 10 plus yesterday.. But today I still feel tired throughout the day... And my headache came back... I think it's the screen... But don't know how to solve... Lol.

My kneecap still hurting.. I need to eat medicine... I need to see Louise...

Monday, September 17, 2012

How is your knee caps? How is your workload?

Still pain... And a lot of work to do....

Sunday, September 16, 2012

I am so tired of living.. I don't feel like doing anything else... I just hope I don't have headaches anymore so that I won't have to take panadol... and that my kneecap pain will go away soon...

Panadol is really like a 仙丹.
It takes away the pain easily... I am trying very hard to stay it this way...

Still feeling sick.. Headaches and my eyes feel tired...
How... At a loss now.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The pressure of everyone expecting from me is... Too big.

I am really very tired....

I did not feel appreciated....
Unlimited tasks, limited resources... So tired..Tired of living....
Headache go away please... Stop haunting me.....

Friday, September 14, 2012

Headache again.... Always at the end of the day... Wondering what's wrong....

Stomach weird too..... Haiz...

Louise says no cold drinks.... I ordered bubble tea with no ice.... Shouldnt be a problem bah...
Omg! The malay chicken rice stall auntie and uncle recognises me!! Asked me why I didnt come for a long time! Lol...

It does feels good to be appreciated.... Never waste my money giving them business....

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Yeay! I have a new monitor screen! 17 inches... Shiok!
But... Headache recently... Kneecaps pain.... Haiz... Maybe I need to eat chocolates.... Dunno is it because stand for too long these 2 days... When I say stand for too long, I mean 2 hours.... -__-

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


My legs are aching after standing for 2 hours just now... Knee caps aching too since morning...

Service Recognition Award

Today at Resorts World Sentosa. Alot of people, over 1000 plus people. The food was average... Stood for nearly 2 hours. Best thing about it? I could go home at 5.

And all the 3 Pohs were at this ceremony. Foong Yee 25 years. Me 10 years. Chee Wei 5 years. But I couldn't find them....

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Headache again..... But today.... No panadol!!!

I just want to have a sound sleep.....

Headache again..... But today.... No panadol!!!

I just want to have a sound sleep.....

I am so so sleepy.... Slept late and had dreams....

Monday, September 10, 2012

I am sleepy... But trying very hard to sleep...
Every Monday's my Diarrhoea Day....

Sunday, September 09, 2012

I really don't want shopping... Maybe it's unbelievable...?
30 minutes drive. Its just too far.
Yesterday skipped lunch. Today skipped breakfast. Lol
I have to make a choice in order to survive .... I can't fulfill everything I want to do....

You gain some you lose some... That's life.

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Panadol. My friend again.....
Woke up at 10 plus. Watched tv had late breakfast and went back to sleep. Slept till headache. Unpacked my stuff and ironed all my new clothes.. Tiring.

Dad's going for late night mahjong even though he has got a cold and cough... Speechless.

Tired of poking my nose into every other matter when the person concerned doesn't even care about it....

Tired. Might as well spend my time sleeping.

Friday, September 07, 2012

Dad's been coughing for a long time already.... Getting a bit worried about him....


I feel like resting at home this weekend..... Save money too.... But I just heard my Mum complain of boredom.... Haiz....
Confirmed 28 Sep to 2 Oct.
I have changed for the better... Reaching office at 830 or earlier.

Thursday, September 06, 2012

He is probably not free next month... If I do remember correctly.....
Having the runs. Stomach's upset... Maybe its the leftover sambal fried rice I ate for lunch today.....
The fried sausages still taste nice...
Eyes feel a bit swollen today.....
I was so deprived of rice during my last trip to Bangkok that I ordered fried rice for my dinner last night.....

Unusual... Co's I stopped taking rice for dinner these days....

Cried badly. Menses pain. Then I fell asleep.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

It's actually hard to have a proper conversation with him....

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

No anger just disappointment.
My holiday's over. Raining heavily... Yes the weather does describes my feelings... Holding back my tears the whole day... And now tired..

Monday, September 03, 2012

I enjoyed yesterday...
I do miss his laughter...