Finally reached home. Almost could not go home. No cab at Indoor Stadium..
Even called cab but no cabs just wanted to accept the job...
Took the last train... all the way to Bedok... Called cab and finally
reached home...
It was good. Enjoyed myself although alone.. If I had the life, I will
definitely go to all their concerts in future...
Felt a bit sad in the begining... they sang slow songs.. and I felt my
heart breaking again... but it was loud and dark... it was good... nobody
could hear my breaking voice or see my teary face.
As usual... it got high in the end... and 舍不得 at the ultimate end... they
bowed twice, we Encored twice... Ended at about 11 plus.
脚软, 手酸, 声音哑。。。五月天的演唱会就是这样!
Well Done!
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