Friday, November 29, 2013

Feeling tired.... 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Stomach.... And on leave!

Stomachache after eating a leftover sandwich yesterday.... I guess its the tuna is the mayonnaise....

Silly of me to think that it will still be fine to eat after putting on my table for 1 whole day.... Lol.... 

Yeah.... I am on leave!!! Going to Sentosa for a short 3D2N stay!! 

Enjoy rest and relax!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Not gonna enhance anybody's ego anymore.... 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Dinner with IC

Had dinner with IC today.  Every year he will give me a treat during my birthday... 

Went to The Keppel By The Bay.  Had dinner at TCC.  I have been there before, with him.... I thought it will bring memories back... But surprisingly...... 

Yes it did brought memories back.... But at the same time, I have decided.... to move on.  

To forget and to move on. To look forward.  说到。。做到。

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Ridiculous doing by a immature mother of 2.  Seriously.... I wonder when will she ever be mature.  

And somemore... a mother of 2.  

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Bad diarrhoea at evening time... Went to toilet thrice.... 

Stomach still hurting now... Dunno what I ate wrong.... 

Its 10.36pm now.  Time to sleep... Thunder and lightning at this time... Its gonna be a cold night..... 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Bought a new Note 2 for my Dad.  Passed Kemp Dad's old hp... He is enjoying the whatsapping.... 

Whatsapp has since evolved... No longer just words... Now with audio messages and video and lots more... Life is more interesting.... Distance is made nearer. 

Kwap Chap

 $20.50 of Kwap Chap for 3 persons meal. The hawker gave alot....

Just when I was looking for a Fitness Centre.... Fitness First at Westgate is opening in Dec and they are having pre membership now!!! 

Omg.... I need to spend money again..... 

Friday, November 15, 2013


Some people just dont know how to be considerate. Some just dont know how
fortunate they are.

I am irritated, super irritated.
My surroundings are full of such people....

How come they dont learn? Its making the people around them suffering, in
pain and in tolerence....

Gosh.... cannot stand it anymore.

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Recently the weather's cold. Dad... again.

I hope he will be fine soon.... or if someone must be down, let it be me...

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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Finally tried this... its not easy!!

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Between "I miss you very much" and "Your forever good friend"

I dislike this feeling... dislike this feeling very much.

他的随性, 他的没有什么意思, 让我很烦恼。。

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DBS Dinner & Dance 2013

First year that I attended D&D. This year it is held at USS Singapore.

However it wasnt a very nice experience. It was super hot and we had to
stand whilst eating. And yes we had to queue for food. Oh well I guess
its the weather.....

Brought Kemp to Sentosa too to play with Nadhra... And brought him home
when I was done with D&D.

Thanks Kemp for accompanying me and having an excuse to leave early.

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Saturday, November 09, 2013

I am going back to Bali!!!!
So excited!!!

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Friday, November 08, 2013

不愁吃不愁穿的她, 不知道她在不爽不开心什么。。。


Worst thing is I still have to live with her....

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Thursday, November 07, 2013

Sleeping pills. My good friend. Totally knocked out....

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Wednesday, November 06, 2013


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I became an Auntie a 2nd time.

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Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Trying to keep awake is a difficult task...

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Thanks for making my dream come true.

I will wake up from now on. I will never dream again...

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I hate this feeling....

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Monday, November 04, 2013

出去看海。 结果淋了雨回来。。。


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Rain rain go away...

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Reached. My favourite place whenever I am feeling down.

Long time since I have been here. Love the sight and sound...

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Sunday, November 03, 2013


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Something I have been dreaming of. Its like a Dream come true.

However I am Full of questions. Full of doubt. Full of fear.

Avoidance is my forte......

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My stomach isnt feeling well today.


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突然發現站了好久 不知道要往哪走
還不想回家的我 再多人陪只會更寂寞
許多話題關於我 就連我也有聽過
我的快樂要被認可 委屈卻沒有人訴說

夜把心 洋蔥般剝落

如果你也聽說 有沒有想過我
像普通 舊朋友 還是你 依然會心疼我
好多好多的話想對你說 懸著一顆心沒著落
要怎麼負荷 捨不得又無可奈何

如果你也聽說 會不會相信我
對流言 會附和 還是你 知道我還是我
跌跌撞撞才明白了許多 懂我的人就你一個
想到你想起我 胸口依然溫熱

許多話題關於我 就連我也有聽過
我想我寧可都沉默 解釋反而顯得做作

夜把心 洋蔥般剝落

如果你也聽說 有沒有想過我
像普通 舊朋友 還是你 依然會心疼我
跌跌撞撞才明白了許多 懂我的人就你一個
想到你想起我 胸口依然溫熱
如果你想起我 你會想到什麼

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Happy Birthday to Me

Happy Birthday. 31 years have since passed.

Every year end and birthday I set resolutions... But how many did I end up
doing? Time to reflect....

Anyways. My greatest wish. A happy and healthy life for people I love deeply.


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