Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Countdown 2013

As per my recent years, my countdown is watching the  countdown in Taiwan at home... 

Watching tv now.  Waiting for 五月天 to appear... One of my wish is to catch them in concert in Taiwan or catch their countdown in Taiwan.  Wonder when I can fulfill that wish....

Looking forward to 2014.  A lot of things will happen.  Include shifting house and lots of travel, hopefully Europe.  And also I hope I am able to buy a car by next year.  

Happy New Year!!  May my family and loved ones enjoy good health and happiness.... Blessed!! 

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Last Sunday of 2013

Cycling at East Coast again.... :)

Year End...

Time flies... 2013 is coming to an end soon.  This year has been challenging for me, mentally and emotionally. 

It wasnt easy but I think I kinda did it... 

能每天醒来,呼吸的每一口空气, 都是幸福的。

Year End...

Time flies... 2013 is coming to an end soon.  This year has been challenging for me, mentally and emotionally. 

It wasnt easy but I think I kinda did it... 

能每天醒来,呼吸的每一口空气, 都是幸福的。

Thursday, December 26, 2013

I have come to realise.... Man are all selfish.  Only think of themselves without thinking for other people. 

Its human.  Its norm.  Its the ugly side of humans... Its just something that we cannot change. 

It is important.... not to be the norm.  Be good and do good. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Merry Christmas!!!

Sunday, December 22, 2013



Saturday, December 21, 2013

I realised... age is catching up.

Because I am not able to eat as much at buffets as I used to be!!! 
I already have a sunny tan... Looks like I will be more tanned after today.... Lolol. 
Spent my rest day shopping and outside... Tiring... And yet I am not able to get to sleep now... Contradicting.... 

Tmr is another full day.... Sigh. 

Friday, December 20, 2013


Rest... finally.

A day of rest after 2 weeks plus of covering.... Phew!! 

Need to do some christmas present shopping.... Jiayou!  Although I hate buying presents for people I dont really know and dont know what they will like.... 

Christmas.  A season of giving. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

I am thankful for the everyday de "碗, 留给我洗!"

Monday, December 16, 2013

I am happy that I can wake up everyday.  I am happy for every breath I take.  I am happy for everyday. Be happy.  Be glad.  

Life is really short.... and fragile. 

Lets all be good and do good... 

Saturday, December 14, 2013


I think I need to quit coffee... High in sugar... Fats... And I think I need to quit soft drinks too.... Too fattening!! 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


I am back to my coffee routine... again. 

Monday, December 09, 2013

I still cannot figure out that I actually booked a trip to BKK... It must be a lack of sleep yesterday.... 

Sunday, December 08, 2013


I dont feel sleepy tonight... even though I went swimming in the morning and didnt nap in the afternoon..... 

There is something I want to do.... But keep hesitating.... But deep down I know I am right in hesitating .... 


Our purpose here on Earth is to be happy. 

Saturday, December 07, 2013


My Dad started to go exercising.... Good! 

Friday, December 06, 2013

1 week over..

1 week of covering is over... Yeah... And I realised I am actually more efficient when my leave cover is not around.... 

Nobody talks to me that often and thus I am more efficient.... I wonder if its a good thing or bad thing.... Anyways whatever...... 





Look at what he wrote...

Sunday, December 01, 2013

Dec is here again.  Very soon it will be the end of 2013.  Time really flies....

Time to cover colleague starting from Tue onwards... I will be busy... Together with the year end stuff....