Saturday, July 30, 2016
后来的我们 - 五月天
他們說你的心 似乎痊愈了
也開始有個人 為你守護著
我該心安或是 心痛呢?
其實我的日子 也還可以呢
除了回憶肆虐 的某些時刻
慶幸還有眼淚 沖淡苦澀
而那些昨日 依然繽紛著
它們都有我 細心收藏著
也許你還記得 也許你都忘了
也不是那麽 重要了
只期待 後來的你 能快樂
那就是 後來的我 最想的
後來的我們 依然走著
朝各自的人生 追尋了
無論是 後來故事 怎麽了
也要讓 後來人生 精彩著
後來的我們 我期待著
淚水中能看到 你真的 自由了
回憶我們共同 走過的曲折
是那些帶我們 來到了這一刻
讓珍貴的人生 有失有得
用新的幸福 把遺憾包著
就這麼朝著 未來前進了
有再多的不捨 也要狠心割捨
別回頭看我 親愛的
只期待 後來的你 能快樂
那就是 後來的我 最想的
後來的我們 依然走著
朝各自的人生 追尋了
無論是 後來故事 怎麼了
也要讓 後來人生 精彩著
後來的我們 我期待著
淚水中能看到 你真的
「在某處 另一個你 留下了」
「在那裡 另一個我 微笑著」
另一個我們 還深愛著
「如果能這麼想 就夠了 」
無論是 後來故事 怎麼了
也要讓 後來人生 值得
後來的我們 我期待著
淚水中能看到 你真的
Friday, July 29, 2016
A week passed. I didnt work for 2 days this week. But I feel more tired than before.
Tuesday. I myself diarrhoea. But Kemp vomitted. Brought him to the doctor, gave him medicine. Worried about he not getting better, worried about his appetite.
Thursday. Supposed to bring Kemp to KK for checkup. But Mum whole night diarrhoea on Wed night. Didnt go to KK in the end, brought my mum to the Doctor, gave her medicine and worried about her diarrhoea not stopping...
Wednesday. Thursday. Heard Dad coughing in the middle of the night.. The medicine not working very well this time round... Not sure why. Maybe he ate too much of it le..... Worried about him again.
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
I took MC today. Finally asked somebody to cover me. Finally finally....
These few months really no MC or urgent leave. Every weekday is work work and work.
But today I had to take Kemp to the doctor. Actually Dad could do it but I didnt want him to step into the clinic. Clinic are full of viruses.....
Sick again..
Everyone's sick. Kemp's down. Dad's down. Even me, my stomach has to attack at this time...
Dad is finally considering not working... With that, I feel more pressured. It means I have to give him money every month. Which means no savings for me. Which means a tighter budget.
Which means.. Which means.... I am happy that he made that decision. But on the other hand, I am slightly worried.
Whatever... I shall not think too much.
Everything happens for a reason.
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Saturday morning. Went for facial. Because Mum did not go out for quite some time, I had to take her go shopping.
Did not have anything to buy but just went window shopping.. Tired.
Sunday morning. Finally decided to go for breakfast. Long time since we did that.
That woman and the husband went out so Keane was passed to us.
Tired taking care of him. Worst thing is he didnt eat alot. Not sure is stomachache or what..
Dad.. Coughing again. Brought him to Louise. But he coughed even more frequently after Louise's medicine... I am worried. But even more worried that he will give up on Louise medication.
Sigh... Headache. Worry. Tired.
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Flooding but Thanks
Flooding at Marina Bay MRT.
But thanks to all the construction workers/foreign workers who put lifted-up planks on the route so that we could walk to the traffic light without getting our shoes wet.
Kudos and Thanks!
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Weekends come and go. Monday blues... Then work and work... Then Friday... Weekends... Slack and slack and its back to Monday again.
Time flies. 1 month.. 3 months... Half a year passed just like that. And soon the year is going to be over.....
Saturday, July 09, 2016
Tuesday, July 05, 2016
Finally a Public Holiday
Been really good at work these days. Not taking leave or urgent leave or mc ever since my leave cover went on maternity leave. Abit paiseh to trouble other people and also, there isnt an official leave cover for me yet.... Sigh.
And so, really looking forward to this public holiday!!
But then Yes I am off work but heading home... Feels abit wasted about going home straight on the eve of public holiday... Oh well, nobody's free to entertAin me too....
Happy holiday. Happy sleeping at home tomorrow....
Saturday, July 02, 2016
Finally... Mac n Cheese using Airfryer
Finally tried! Still sizzling when I took this.... Taste not too bad but abit weird.. Guess its because of the milk?