Monday, December 31, 2018

Goodbye 2018, Welcome 2019

Today is the last day of 2018.  I must say, it was a satisfying year. 

Signed up for FF membership.  Started exercising on a frequent basis.  My routine now is yoga twice a week and swimming once a week. 
Started my Invisalign journey end of last year.  I am on my 25/28 set of aligners now.  Yes, my teeth is straighter now.  But I must say, my bite is different now and my teeth has become sensitive. 
Went to Australia (Melbourne) for the 1st time.  It was also the 1st time that I did a self drive (of course, not me driving most of the time).  
Had planned to bring my family again to Taiwan on a free and easy tour.  This was finally done this year too, after Kemp finished his PSLE.  I spent alot, including expenses on the accomodation driver and etc. 
After few years of stress with Kemp's stuff and even undergoing counselling in the year 2017, I finally managed to destress by starting yoga.  And most importantly, I didnt stress Kemp further for his PSLE year (as I wanted myself to do so).  
Learnt to think for myself more.  Hence, made the decision to have Kemp go back to stay with his parents, buy a resale flat for my parents and myself to live alone.  
Finally decided to take on case. Cases are already allocated to me and this will take effect next year.  Ever since I told my boss about my decision, I have been on a rollercoaster - a series of emotions from being nervous to excited, to scared, to now, I am actually looking forward to the new challenges.
Went to watch Mayday concert in Bangkok.  It was a last minute decision, with the tickets not available on the official ticketing website.  Had to find sellers who are selling the tickets, booked last minute flights and hotels.  Skeptical about going alone and etc. 
Of course, the 1 and only thing that made an impact in my 2018 was to contact and meet him again.  After a long 6 years. It was some real story about an ex-deejay that I read online that made me contact him again and be brave about facing the so-called fact that he was married and with kids. The so-called fact turned out to be a misunderstanding.  But his status were not available also.  After meeting up, it was a series of ups and downs.  All the ups and downs were associated with him. 

如果能和他再在一起,那是最好的。 如果不能,我也没什么好遗憾了。

2019年,要学会感恩感激, “比上不足,比下有余”,要做一个给自己也给别人正能量的人 - 这是我自己要告诉自己的话。 

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Time Management

Is your work desk tidy or messy? 

"If you cannot manage your space, you cannot manage your time and work". 

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry merry Christmas!

I finally did something I have always wanted to do - monthly contribution to a charity.  

A good start.  

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Everything happens for a reason. 

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Happy Birthday. 

Friday, December 14, 2018

Food... cheers me up

Food... the only thing that can cheer me up.  But these days not enjoying my food that well because of my sensitive teeth....... 

I dont know what else can cheer me up... My only left enjoyment.... yet not working these days. 

Hopes lead to Disappointment






有饭吃,有工作,有地方住,有能力做家人的 ATM, 有家人,有朋友。



Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Sick. Shorthanded.

Down with sore throat since last Saturday.  Went to see doctor immediately, got medicine and antibiotics.  

Cannot afford to take MC these days.  Our team is down - people resign, colleague on maternity leave and colleagues clearing leave.  

Tired.  The side effects of the antibiotics is.. diarrhoea.  Sigh. 

But I need to complete the course.. and so hopefully the diarrhoea stops when I complete the antibiotics.  

This year end is ending too fast.  I have not got time to enjoy the festive mood and its gonna be over soon.  

2018 is coming to an end. 

Friday, December 07, 2018



Monday, December 03, 2018

I am a balloon collector.... 

Sunday, December 02, 2018

For someone who doesn't spend time and effort on me, I find it meaningless to spend time and effort on the person.  

My feelings, emotions are being forgotten, ignored.... 

Talking about love, attention, care and concern at this age seems impractical and silly..... 

I guess I am a human being and a woman after all.  

