Tuesday, March 23, 2021

My cup of tea. My kind of drink.

Ice cream + Soda + Red beans

Sadly this didnt meet my expectations.  Red beans wasnt sweet.  It was plain soda, better if it had been Sprite. 

Half day PM.  But was rushing work throughout in the morning.  Told my customers to let me off for at least half a day... 

Tired.  Cannot seem to finish my work. Need to clear before I go back office next work..... 

Friday, March 19, 2021

Swimming - My all time Favourite

Really love swimming.  Always looking forward to my swimming sessions.  

But it is always dependent on the weather.  

Love the smell of chlorine when I come back from swimming.  

And fortunate to have an activesg swimming pool just near my house, within walking distance.... 

The Green, Blue and White

Fortunate to have such view whenever I go for my walks.  

Fighting with my body these days.  Either leg pain, back pain or digestion problems.  Dunno why... 

Just like people say, to be able to wake up everyday itself is a blessing.  

Monday, March 15, 2021

Walk... in a long time

My morning walks became evening walks.  
Walked in the evening today in a longgggg while. 

Couldnt really make myself wake up in the mornings.. so decided to resume my walk in the evenings.... 

Monday, March 08, 2021

瑜伽 - 爱恨

My ribs are falling apart... super painful today.  

I guess its too much stretching at one go since a long time..... 

Saturday, March 06, 2021

Carrot Cake

This is one of my favourite carrot cake - 127 Toa Payoh Lorong 1.  

Nice but expect a long wait, minimally 1 hour.... 


Wednesday, March 03, 2021

My teabreak today

ME day for PM today. 

Did face laser treatment.  Had my teabreak at Genki.