Thursday, March 31, 2022

Last day of March

Very fast, today is the last day of March. 

1st quarter ended.  3 months ended. 

Was quite busy during the last 2 weeks of March - spent 2 full weekends (9am-6pm) attending the Value Investing course at VIA. And in between 1 week, I was covering my colleague. 

Totally felt I was working throughout the 2-3 weeks. Worked, ate, slept, worked, studied, ate, slept. 

And finally today, I took leave.  Supposed to go USS alone for some me-time.  In the end, I had to pick up medicine and so, went around with my parents. 

Tired day.  Work is getting busy these days too. 

1 word - tired. 

Monday, March 14, 2022

S.E.A Aquarium

Start of March holidays 2022.  
Redeemed the Rediscover Singapore vouchers last year for visit this year. 

With Keane.  I have not brought him to such outings before. He was excited, heard of Sentosa but din know what it was.  Din even know what was cable car. As compared to Kemp, Keane did not have much exposure to the outside world.  

So…. Not all kids get to travel.  Not all kids know about what is flying, hotels and overseas holidays look or feel like. 

I have 1 such kid with me. So kids out there who get to travel from young, you are lucky. 

Out since 9am plus.  Reached home about 4pm plus.  Long day outside.  Seeing myself tired, I have to admit my age.  

Seeing my parents tired, yes, they are indeed old, even though I dont feel that they are old. Especially my dad, who has to do all the driving and this, always made me feel bad…. If only I was good and like driving.  

Anyways, it is a tiring day.  But I guess everybody enjoyed - the aquarium and cable car.  

Sunday, March 06, 2022

Ended my 1 week stint in office.  Going back office = more socialising, aircon in office, lunches around office area but also equal to more tired because of the transport time. 

The week was good, finally got to lunch with yue liang after a longgg time.  Did lunch with her for 3 straight days. She is now of VP rank.  Looking back, we entered the bank at the same time, I was earlier by 2 months.  As usual, the chats with her is always good.  Now, I feel super envious of her - she shifted in her new house which has got a very good seaview and she just got promoted (although I know the promotion comes with stress and it is not easy to spend so much time on work and etc), but still envious of her 5-figure salary, which I guess most of my friends are having. 

Ended the week with a gathering with my BSF - Dinner with the girls.  Good way to end the week with a good, relaxing and learn-alot conversation.  

Glad to have them in my life.