Sunday, August 06, 2006

slept late or "early" again.. these few nights, have been sleeping at tat kinda hrs lor.... hahaha...

my eye care... buy liao, applying now.. dunno got use anot.. cos i slp at tat hrs.. hahaha

mahjong again... shit.. i think i getting abit sick liao......

went RC after mahjong, together with yongsheng, weiqi, jiashun, weiwen..

actually i was hesitating to go... but i still went in the end.. i know i will be very bo liao but i still went..

i want to see if i will bump into him there.... in the end, i bumped into yp and steven..

yp asked me if i have recovered all of a sudden... i asked her if steven got keep in contact with him... asked her if there is a possibility of steven meeting him without her knowing.. she say possible lor..

thought of him.. cos we also played pool during our first meeting....

i haven recovered.. seriously.. i still miss him alot... yp asked me to find another one.. its hard lor, cos will compare... AIYAH! i dunno lar..

i dun want to think now... i'm scared.. that i will go through the pain again... and nobody can guarantee that i wont go through the pain again....... sigh

anyway... can i have some fun first? though its lonely at times.. but i just wan to have fun....

mahjong is only for me to pass time.... actually i'm not concentrating at the game.. just trying to pass time... its easy to pass time u know... and im getting sick of it..... hahahaa... shit, then i got to find another hobby that is easy to pass time...... hahahaah


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