Thursday, October 19, 2006

went out with ws and ic at night, after my dinner.. we went west coast park to chat..

guess wat, wq showed up at my blk's lift, passed me a box of chocolates from sins.. cos he felt that i felt moody and unhappy during our sms during the day, so he bought chocolates to cheer me up... and i saw him when i was going down to meet ws and ic...

so i only talked to him for awhile, thanked him for the chocolates and went to meet them already....

of cos... as usual they very kapo.. drilled me... and i told them everything lor.. including that ys also like me.. thats why i feel bothered at times..

guess what.. both of them told me tat ys is a good catch.. but i told them frankly that it is really ke xi that ys is still studying right now lor.....

at least when wq spends on me, i wont feel guilty cos i know he has got a job.. but when ys spends on me, i feel guilty cos he is not working..

and of course, the things they buy are of different "standards" one.. get what i mean?

but of course most importantly, i know both guys are good.. make good friends.. and i don't want to lose either of them lor..


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