Friday, December 22, 2006

on leave today. well, actually is to skip the christmas lunch, because i don't feel like going, and because the people that i am close to are not there too, so i decided to skip it.... hehehehe

and yeah christmas is here.. very soon in 3 days time.. i din do any shopping this year, not for anybody special, not for any friends.. so sorry!

but yet, i received a box of merci from andrew, present from yp and my big boss wl, thanks!!

this year, i am feeling especially cold (because it has been raining for days and the temperature is low at nights) and yes, lonely... there is not anybody to accompany me during this festive season, this christmas and the forthcoming new year... so so lonely.. of course, i have my baobei with me, and yah, he's the only one who will accompany me, who will smile at me and won't bully me and won't make me cry...

what do i want for christmas? i want a boyfriend, someone who likes me, willing to accompany me, willing to make me happy, and willing to take care of me...

will i get my christmas present? ... ...

anyway with that aside, i think now, i only want my parents, my baobei, my sister and her husband to be happy... if they are healthy and happy, i will be happy too... :-)

and if i were to leave dbs next year after getting my variable bonus, most probably i will go into hotels industry or the IR thingy, to go into finance department or smilar stuff, since i studied finance and since i have experience in working in banks...


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