growing up = worries
when we were young as kids, we din have anything to worry about. give me a sweet and i'll be happy. give me a sweet drink and i'll be happy. if i had play, i'll be happy.
schooling is fun too. i had lots of friends, teachers, activities, classes. i hated some, loved some. i miss dancing. i miss classes. i miss my friends. i miss the times i had in school.
poly life was average. well, it was also school. but it wasn't the same as before. i had friends too, but somehow it was harder to get true friends. i had activities too, but it wasn't as simple as before.
i studied hard. graduated and came out to work.
working life.. means growing up.
growing up means worries worries and more worries.
work. people are more complicated. things become complicated too. or is it as we grow up, we tend to complicate things, thus making more worries for ourselves?
we are afraid that we can't get a good job. we are afraid that our bosses are not good to us. we are afraid that there is no career advancement in what we are doing. if we change job, we are afraid that the new environment might be worse or not better than the current one. but then, change is inevitable. people ought to move on and not stay on..
worry that i dun earn enough to support my family or give them a good life. as we grow older, we have to worry abt finding a partner, a good one. worry abt if the guy is good, if the guy earns enough to support in future.
worry abt our own health as well as our loved ones'. getting paranoid, worry abt this worry abt that.
if manage to get married and have kids, we have to worry abt the kids and the life ahead... and the list goes on.........
life gets tiring as time pass by... gets tiring when we get older...
schooling is fun too. i had lots of friends, teachers, activities, classes. i hated some, loved some. i miss dancing. i miss classes. i miss my friends. i miss the times i had in school.
poly life was average. well, it was also school. but it wasn't the same as before. i had friends too, but somehow it was harder to get true friends. i had activities too, but it wasn't as simple as before.
i studied hard. graduated and came out to work.
working life.. means growing up.
growing up means worries worries and more worries.
work. people are more complicated. things become complicated too. or is it as we grow up, we tend to complicate things, thus making more worries for ourselves?
we are afraid that we can't get a good job. we are afraid that our bosses are not good to us. we are afraid that there is no career advancement in what we are doing. if we change job, we are afraid that the new environment might be worse or not better than the current one. but then, change is inevitable. people ought to move on and not stay on..
worry that i dun earn enough to support my family or give them a good life. as we grow older, we have to worry abt finding a partner, a good one. worry abt if the guy is good, if the guy earns enough to support in future.
worry abt our own health as well as our loved ones'. getting paranoid, worry abt this worry abt that.
if manage to get married and have kids, we have to worry abt the kids and the life ahead... and the list goes on.........
life gets tiring as time pass by... gets tiring when we get older...
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