Sunday, June 01, 2008

saturday. mj day at ic house, with mao and yp.

i really like the view from ic house, be it from the living room or from the room where we were playing mj in.

played until 11pm. actually they wanted to have one more round, but then i din want lah, going to end pretty late lor. and so we ended.

in the end, we stayed till 12am plus cos we were in the living room playing the PS3. well, ic has only got one cute game, that is puzzle fighter. frankly speaking, i have seen ppl playing in arcades but i never tried playing before.

mao exclaimed said that it was a game that was famous in secondary school. what was i doing, never played the game before??

its true mah.. and so they tried to teach me. but then i dun learn things so easily one, and so i gave up, let them play.. never really catch the ball. hahaha!


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