Thursday, September 11, 2008

woke up at 6am plus, breakfast at 7am.

刘阿姨 drove us to the train station, our train at 8am. 刘阿姨, 再见了!
way to 瑞坊!
the trains in taiwan... leaves on the dot!!!

reached 瑞坊 at 1020am. 蔡阿姨 came fetch us. she got her 师兄,徐先生 & wife,helped drove us around.

went 金瓜石, 阴阳海,黃金瀑布,黃金博物園區 (Gold Ecological Museum)。

even went gold panning at the 黃金博物園區 (Gold Ecological Museum). we had a bottle of "gold" each to bring home!!!

took bus from Gold Ecological Museum to 九份, where its another shopping area!

thereafter, we took bus from 九份 to Keelung (the journey was abt 40 - 50 mins). went to miao kou night mkt, 庙口小吃。we ate alot of food, including crabmeat soup, sashimi, ice and crab, and whilst eating crab, we saw a rat, erm, 2 times.. hahaha!

hey! saw alot of ur friends there... hehehe!!

waited for a long time for the bus to back to 九份, where we waited for 刘阿姨 to fetch us back to her 民宿, 石山水禪,along 浪漫公路. we rested for the night.

typhoon, 台风辛乐克,arrived when we reached the 民宿. big rain and big wind. it was scary when we hear the sound the rain hit the windows and rooftop and the sound of the wind.

planned to go Yeliu then Danshui then to XinBeitou for hotspring before heading to Taipei XimenDIng Rainbow Hotel. But seeing the typhoon, we decided to head to Taipei XimenDing Rainbow Hotel first.


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