Monday, July 05, 2010


Quarrelled again... Im tired of his reasons, excuses he has given all this while.

I wan to insist this time.. Although he always say he's willing, but i dunno if he's really willing or jus trying to sweet talk me...

Im tired of his no-choice situations..

If he cant do such a small thing that i've requested... Then seriously, does he love me enough?

He thinks so much for them.. Abt how they'll think and blah... Then wat about me? Are the reasons he given me the real reasons or jus excuses?

I may be too much, possessive, controlling... Whatever you may say me.. But the things i've done for him, i feel i've been very nice already... I am not taking him for granted and asking for too much as what he said....

He's good at talking... Very often i cannot outtalk him... I know he has given up alot for me, am i not doing the same?

He shld know... My main problems.. Jealous easily and feels insecure easily... I rem he say he will help me through n will do everything to make me feel secure... Is it really so difficult to do the things i've requested...?

Its been something i wan him to do... But never really dared to say it out... So this time, i finally said it out and at the same time, i finally see his reaction.... .....


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