Thursday, July 29, 2010

finally. i have time to update my blog..

been busy at work these few days after i came back from BKK.. covering colleague. super busy. until my documents are piling up fast.. and the worst thing is the credit files and operational files are out of stock.. and so, i have documents, but no files to file into.. SIGH.


and i am back from BKK.. well, i went on 16 jul, supposed to come back on 20 jul.. but then somehow, i missed my flight on 20 jul and decided to extend my holidays till 25 jul.. unexpected extended holidays!!

and.. the best thing is.. i flew on SQ when i came back on 25 jul!! it was my first time on SQ, a big carrier. woooo.. nice experience!! and time passes real fast, when u have food to eat and a screen infront of you to watch tv and play games.. hahahaha!!

we went shopping, praying, bowling, playing arcade, playing air gun, watching movies and of course, lots of eating!!! and this time, we went for low budget food.. which was all very nice and yummy..

missed the beef noodle, fishball noodles, yong tau fu noodles.. the fishcake, the kfc whipped potato.. and alot more...

oh ya.. on one of the days, i also prepared breakfast for him! ham and egg sandwich! i dunno if he felt the sandwich was nice. all i know was that i enjoyed the preparation.. hahaha! the feeling was so nice...

and.. he handmade a bling bling cover for my iphone! one and only iphone cover! nobody else would have the same one as me... hahahah!!
hmm... i would definitely use it, provided i am still using my iphone... hahahaha...

my next trip would be in sep.. wanted to go over again in aug, making use of the national day holiday... but then, the air tickets were expensive, and so, we gave up the idea... but, we are planning to go holidaying in dec.. yeay!!

planning for the dec holidays.. makes me real excited.
looking at the websites, the hotels, the surroundings of the place we are planning to go.. makes me happy... hahaha =)


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