Saturday, February 25, 2012

Feeling unhappy and moody.
Dunno is it because I have missed my Mayday concert. Or is it because I am having my menses the first day. Or is it because I am feeling lonely.. Or just one of those days I feel like closing myself up and not bother about my family...

Yes.. I really enjoyed my kite flying yest.. And I suddenly thought that he may run even harder than me to get the kite fly up... And then I stopped thinking. Because I will never have the chance again. Because We have broke up. Because I have broke his heart badly. Because I have Made this choice. I am very sad whenever I think of this. Tears fill up my eyes but I refused to let it tear down my face.

I have broken the heart of the one who loves me badly, willing to give in to me.. But I have to remember that we cant really communicate...


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