Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Agreed to take on a new project today.... Although my workload is erm.... 

But my boss approached me... Couldnt take No for an answer right?  

Wish me luck... Hope I dont get drowned.  

Monday, July 28, 2014

End of Long Weekend

Time really flies....

Its the end of the Long Weekend.  

Gonna work tmr... Start of a busy week again... Looking forward to the weekends again... 


I bought a pair of badminton rackets!  

And we went to play badminton today!!! Booked the court at Clementi and made our way there... Yeah!  Nice.. Never knew my Mum could play as well.  Although she cannot run to catch the shuttlecock but every shot she made was powerful... Well enough to make the shuttlecock fly over the net. Haha!! 

I will try to make this exercise as frequent as I can for her.  


Sunday, July 27, 2014

Rest rest and rest

Frankly speaking... The only time I have for myself is only at night... At this timing... From 10pm onwards.... 

Either I spend it on sleeping or spend it on TV.... 

我是幸福的 ... In 1 way or another.... 


I am glad that 小姑妈 looks better.... Hope the acupuncture is doing good for her.  

It lifted up my spirits.

I just need the small things in life to make me happy.... 

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Too scared??!!

I guess he was too scared when Ah Gong's driving... He just had to hold on to something!!! Throughout the journey.... Lolol. 

Start of my Long Weekend

Night's out with Nic and Ching. 

Stomach wasn't that good... Went KTV for singing and buffet dinner.  Then went for drinks... They drank but I didn't.  

Mood was very bad towards the end of the office day.  Someone just pissed me off with her irresponsible behaviour.  Since you are not willing to attend the workshop that you can give feedback to a new system that you will be using, why should I bother..?  Your time is precious.  My time is not?  I don't really like such unprofessional behaviour.... So be it.  

Lucky I got short term memory.  I don't really much now.  Hahaha.... 

Time to sleep.  Its damn late.  I am getting old..... Cannot really stand late nights.... My skin just worsen during a late night.... 

Good night. 

Thursday, July 24, 2014


Today.. Yue Liang said something that I guess was harmless but kind of made me upset.... 

I was telling her this ID that I met yesterday... Very muscular very manly.  And I think he is in his 40s but he is so well-kept that he dont look his age.  So so fascinated by his muscular body... Lol.  

And the way he talks... Feels mature and man.  Pretty attracted to him.... I will probably use him if he is not too expensive... Haha... 

So I was telling her about this man... Attractive and muscular, in 40s but single (as confirmed by my friend).  She commented that he may be Gay..... 

But after telling her that he is actually a Cxxxx, she actually took back her words because he is a Cxxxx and that he must be a damn good guy..... 

Not sure if there is anything to feel about this, but I do feel something...... 

Anyways.... Whatever.... 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Birthday Celebration

I dont really have many birthday celebrations.. In fact I seldom celebrate my birthday with a cake etc. 

I remember a year's birthday with a table full of people, with a birthday cake. 

But the one I missed is at an unexpected place (i.e. outside toilet) with just 1 person singing a birthday song with a-not-cake (burger?!) for me. 

I dont really need something big, fanciful to make my life beautiful.  Sometimes its just the small things in life that makes life beautiful and memorable.... 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Motivational Talk

Boss gave a very motivating talk during the meeting today. 

Maybe he sensed the lack of spirit in our team. 

Or maybe not.  Just something impromptu...

Anyway it worked for me.  I need to feel motivated... and yes it made me YEAH I WANNA DO IT WELL!! 

Lets hope this lasts..... 

Monday, July 21, 2014

I am getting worried.... again.

Headache didnt go away despite Mr Panadol.... 

Sleep?  Hopefully I get some good sleep tonight..... 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

I always feel guilty and worrying... 

Going for my weekly swim now... I need to de-stress.  

Saturday, July 19, 2014

From Sengkang to Jurong.... 


Friday, July 18, 2014

Sinful Dinner.....

Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday Off Day

Went swimming today.  Successfully reached the place with Blackie. 

Not crowded.  Nice.... 

Saw a guy and a girl together, soaking in the jacuzzi.  

The guy had Singaporean English... The girl.. Had broken English... I suppose its a local guy with probably a Thai girl?  

The girl with her broken English was conversing with the guy... Reminds me of the times when I was at the airport and I saw such things.... 

Singaporean guys...... But.... Whatever.... 

My results today


Now... why the hell did I make my rest-day so awful??!! 


Sunday, July 13, 2014

BCP Testing

Went office today... Because of BCP testing.... 

And we spent nearly a day there... So tired.... And I couldnt sleep last night... Because I had coffee in the morning!!?? 

Lolol... Coffee does do its wonders on me.  




Saturday, July 12, 2014


Keane made friends with a Po-po at West Coast Hawker Centre



I must have sounded really negative..... 

Wednesday, July 09, 2014

I keep having negative thoughts.... Sigh.... 

Go away!! 

Tuesday, July 08, 2014


Battery 0%
Motivation 0%

Sunday, July 06, 2014

I went City Square, JB today.

Last minute decision, either JB or an afternoon swim... After knowing that my Dad is going out, I decided on JB with them....

Wrong decision... My stomach gave me problems... And it was super crowded when coming back.... CROWDED! 

The queue at Customs and bus was longgg... 

I am very tired now... My legs and back are aching..... 

Everything happens for a reason.  I feel today is an awakening.  Today is the 1st time I went into JB after a long long time... And I am scared of the crowd, the wait, the standing and squeezing..... 

Just when I dont know what decision to make, this somehow decided for me..... 

Saturday, July 05, 2014

Can you see from his eyes that he is SMILING?

Feeling determined

Friday, July 04, 2014

Headache again....



Sometimes I wonder..... If what I think is correct.... I really wonder.

But there is nobody to give me the answer.... I can only believe in the benefit of the doubt. 

Thursday, July 03, 2014

Busy like a Beeeee

Been really busy these few weeks.... I am so so tired.... 

Not sleeping very well.... Causes headache.... And here comes my good but hateful friend, Mr Panadol.... 

Popping like nobody's business.....