Thursday, July 24, 2014


Today.. Yue Liang said something that I guess was harmless but kind of made me upset.... 

I was telling her this ID that I met yesterday... Very muscular very manly.  And I think he is in his 40s but he is so well-kept that he dont look his age.  So so fascinated by his muscular body... Lol.  

And the way he talks... Feels mature and man.  Pretty attracted to him.... I will probably use him if he is not too expensive... Haha... 

So I was telling her about this man... Attractive and muscular, in 40s but single (as confirmed by my friend).  She commented that he may be Gay..... 

But after telling her that he is actually a Cxxxx, she actually took back her words because he is a Cxxxx and that he must be a damn good guy..... 

Not sure if there is anything to feel about this, but I do feel something...... 

Anyways.... Whatever.... 


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