Happy Valentine's Day
Went out early today. Went to Bugis. Wanted to go OG to buy new pots and pans. And I finally fixed my facial appointment today. So I went to OG for shopping and then facial and then more shopping. My parents waited for me to finish facial.
I actually spent more than $800 just today.
Came back home and we went to wash Blackie and Colourful. Finally they are thoroughly clean just in time for CNY.
Packed dinner back home. Unpacked the stuff that we bought in the afternoon and we started to put up the CNY decorations for the house.
Happy! Finally resting in my room now. Been a long day.
Will need to wake up early tmr. Reunion dinner tmr. Just when I dont feel like seeing them.....
That woman has been giving her MIL problems... And her MIL called us to complain..... Asked us to talk to her. As if talking to her works...... Damn woman. i really hate her.
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