Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Everything happens for a reason

I am following this used-to-be radio deejay on Instagram.  Read his story recently and I teared up.  

Long distance relationships - something I have tasted before in my ever boring life.  So it doesnt sound distanced at all.  

I have done and still doing the things he mentioned -  feelings of excitement and happiness when it first started, cutting all contact when the relationship ended,  hoping of reconcilliation later in life (god knows how many years later), looking as though moved on but actually, never. 


Facts of him moving on in life whilst I am still stuck in my stucky life really feels sucky.  I never really wanted to admit or face that so-called failure.  

But seriously, is it about whose winning or losing in life? 

Its just about him and myself. 
How much I want to keep in contact with him even as friends, even if its not often.   
How much I want to see him again after so many years.  



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