Tuesday, October 26, 2021

On Leave

On a day’s leave today after few weeks of working hard - a week of not taking leave as cover was on office duty, a week of covering and a week of covering duty in office. 

Prefer going shopping malls on weekdays as less crowded, especially if you are early.  Went around Giant IMM to use my $10 voucher.  Then to M1 to recontract Kemp’s line and a new Iphone 13 for him. 

Then a quick lunch and buying of teabreak and then back home, did some work till now… 

So sleepy and tired now. 

But 1 thing made me happy today - the M1 staff recommended that I change my Mum’s line to a SIM-only plan since her contract ended and no intention of getting a handset.  And it is cheaper monthly!  Yeahs!  And guess what, I was still feeling frustrated at the M1 shop earlier because there was a lady who cut my queue, and I scolded the staff manning the queue to look out for people queuing and not just serve whoever approaches.  Come to think of it, if the lady had not cut my queue, I wouldnt have met the M1 staff that gave me such good recommendations!  

Everything happens for a reason! 


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