Sunday, February 26, 2023

Happy Birthday Kemp

17 years old.  He got into the Normal Acdaemic stream 4 years ago.  Last year he had his GCE N levels and his results enabled him to apply for this PFP (Polytechnic Foundation Program).  

So instead of entering Sec. 5, he gets to enter Poly this year and have a year of Foundation level in Poly. 

He said he was interested in the Science program and so, he enrolled into the Commob Science program at Republic Poly.  

Whilst waiting to enter Poly this few months, he started working part time at NTUC as cashier.  And now he is an experienced cashier and gets to go back NTUC to work whenever more help is needed.  

Good job, my dear friend.  Be it in your N levels or working in the outside world.  

Be happy and wishing you good health! 

Thursday, February 16, 2023


Moodswings these days.  Morning woke up in a foul mood.. After yesterday helping Kemp with his enrolment thing into Poly - pay pay and pay, pay tuition fees, buy new laptop etc. 

Morning woke up, suddenly feel very stressed and moody.  Wifi couldnt connect, got excess reports etc to revert by early morning - couldnt even have my breakfast in peace. 

Giddy came back again, not sure why.  

Din feel like talking to anyone.  Had to arrange Kemp’s enrolment, got to entertain my parents by arranging the next Genting trip etc.  

So what if I got increment?  All that money, not for me.. I have yet to think of rewarding myself and all these things are already queuing up, waiting for me to pay / spend on…. 


Wednesday, February 15, 2023


When Boss showed me his screen for my bonus amount and my new annual salary, I couldnt really see the numbers on the screen clearly as I was short sighted and didnt really dare to stretch over to his screen.  

And so, I came out of the room, wondering if that was a 6 or a 8 that I saw….. 

Told my colleagues about it and they all laughed.  Edward, seated opposite us, heard me and said “aiyah should have told boss, wait ah, I take photo first”…. 

Lol… he was eavesdropping.  Haha.. but a very nice guy and my idol always.  

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Happy Valentine’s Day - Happy Bonus Day

Finally after 10 plus years, 
I got p r o m o t e d!!

I reached the 20th year in the bank last year, 2022.  In the same position, same role, same team.  Role as a RM support staff. 

Previously the capped rank for this role was at Analyst.  And so, I was stuck at the rank for a long time and my salary capped since few years ago.  

Last year, during the 2nd half of the year, management announced that for our role, the capped rank for my role will be raised to Senior Assoc, which is 2 ranks above my existing rank.  

Was so happy when I heard that.  Means I have a chance to get promoted and get increments!! 

Very grateful to my boss who put me up for the promotion as soon as HR changed the capped rank for my role.  Very very thankful.  

Very proud to be part of this team and proud of all its achievements thus far. 

I got increment!! Very important as my monthly expenses are increasing as my parents age and Kemp entering Poly… 

Happy day!