Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Happy Valentine’s Day - Happy Bonus Day

Finally after 10 plus years, 
I got p r o m o t e d!!

I reached the 20th year in the bank last year, 2022.  In the same position, same role, same team.  Role as a RM support staff. 

Previously the capped rank for this role was at Analyst.  And so, I was stuck at the rank for a long time and my salary capped since few years ago.  

Last year, during the 2nd half of the year, management announced that for our role, the capped rank for my role will be raised to Senior Assoc, which is 2 ranks above my existing rank.  

Was so happy when I heard that.  Means I have a chance to get promoted and get increments!! 

Very grateful to my boss who put me up for the promotion as soon as HR changed the capped rank for my role.  Very very thankful.  

Very proud to be part of this team and proud of all its achievements thus far. 

I got increment!! Very important as my monthly expenses are increasing as my parents age and Kemp entering Poly… 

Happy day! 


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