Thursday, October 26, 2006

took urgent half day... went ponggol clinic to see my face... cos recently, the 2 cheeks red again, and very dry.... dunno why like that also...

went heartland mall at hougang, ate my lunch and shopped around.. then went ponggol clinic see my doctor.... cos actually my cleanser and cream very dry one.... so he told me not to use cleanser on my 2 cheeks, use it on other parts.... then use plain water wash until it recovers... then he never give me any more cream or whatsoever... and i wasn't charged for any consultation fees also..... hahaha..... so good right, hehehe... i am begining to like this stern-faced doctor of mine... hahhaa...

met shalley jawpin and andrew at night.... and i bought my lv wallet! hahaaa.... expensive but then something to pamper myself lar... hehehhee..... my first super branded stuff wor.... die, begining to be a little materialistic liao..... hahahaha

wait till the credit card bill comes.... hahhahaa.....

ate pastamania for dinner.. and we went hagen-diaz for drinks.... ate some ice cream.. woo yummy sia....


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