Sunday, December 31, 2006

happy new year! i hope 2007 is a good year for me.. hmm what defines "good"? i hope the people that i care for are happy, healthy and may all things goes smoothly for them.

and yah, i am at home.. alone and lonely.. hahaha.. quite getting used to it already, not going out on days where "i am supposed to be out" haha!

but my stupid sister spoilt my day early in the morning, shouting at mother over a small thing.. FAINTS.. and then father mother sister started shouting blah.. when they quarrel, i always keep quiet because if i erupt, it would be very ugly.. and when they quarrel, its always 对牛弹琴.. and i wonder if either parties know what the other is shouting at.. hmm

and soo my day is spoilt by her.. just do not understand why she is so immature and stuborn, keeps having things go her way.. yes, she is hearing impaired and cannot hear, so why she cannot accept her disability and accept the fact that there are certain things she cannot do?? of course, i wont deny that i have never been in her shoes and so will never understand how she feels.. but then again if she do things more maturely and more steadily, i think father also feels safer leaving ah boy in her hands.. but then sad to say, she's not and thats why we dun feel safe!

what a day i had.. it was already sad for myself that i had nowhere to go and no one to accompany me on new year's eve and this one more thing had to happen.. sigh

what a immature sister i have.. i am really afraid that if one day i were to go first before my parents, i wont be at peace leaving my parents with her lor.. okok, i shouldnt say such things on new year's eve..

time for resolutions! i really want to do volunteer work and do my part for the society.. i think i decided to go help the small kids.. and i shall start by leaving my contact with worldvision stating my intentions to do volunteer work.. yeah!


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