Saturday, May 05, 2007

taken during my cousin's wedding. hehe, this cousin of mine really good life. been going to different countries and overseas with her husband every now and then. of course, her husband is definitely well-to-do. oh well..

u know, ic told me that he has got a crush on one of his colleague. my gosh, i've seen that girl and i scolded him immediately lor. firstly, i think he shouldnt do this to his very nice gf lor.. and secondly, that girl is a damn rough flirt lor. i dun like her since the first look.

anyway this ic ah, been thinking of going astray since the very first day i guess.

simply hopeless. i thought he turned guai liao and learnt to be contented with his gf. but now, he tell me this. i am just angry with him lor. argh!

i used one word yesterday. substandard. yes, that girl is substandard lor, not the usual nice and pretty girls that ic would normally like. his standard dropped dramatically lor and he tells me its love, like or even crush! bullshit.

i will definitely scold him everytime i see him.

man are all jerks.


nowadays good stuff aren't in demand issit?

anyway happy birthday andrew! i think he is stressed up with his new job.. but being the clever and hardworking him, i believe he can cope with this new challenge.. jiayou!


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