Tuesday, November 18, 2008

been tempted to change handphone recently.. hahaha.. yeah i know its "again"... but really lor, like what yp says, if daiso one day sells electrical products, i think i will not be against going daiso to shop.. lol!!

went kk hospital to visit my auntie at night. she was abt to give birth but she started bleeding on sunday and so she was hospitalised.

my mum was talking to her.. asked me to give her some dial-taxi number so that she could call for a taxi if anything happens. i saw her handphone and suddenly, i feel heartpain. her hp is those kind of normal, plain, just for dialing purposes and very old kind..

well my uncle wasn't well-to-do.. i felt heartpain because i suddenly hated myself for changing hp so frequently and there infront of me, a family just having enough to feed themselves...

i dun really understand the meaning of 知足。。
although i keep reminding myself.. but these reminders dun seem to be working.. right?

how can i make myself understand these simple phrases and put them into place... ?


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