Wednesday, January 13, 2010

i'm leaving for BKK tonight! yeah! i am super happy!

i brought my luggage to work. handcarry luggage. heavy. worked the whole day. i was super tired at the end of the day. din really sleep the previous night.

and.. on my way to the airport! checked in. and went through the immigration.

sharks. my legs were aching. i was wearing heels. wearing office wear to meet him. i ate BK for dinner. and i went to the gate. another few more hours and i can hug him!

slept on the plane. wasn't a good sleep. i begin to recall how i was addicted to travelling on the plane. and now, i am getting tired of it. LOL.

the plane touched down. i quickly walked to the immigration. hoping that there wasnt any queue. i din want to waste time queuing. and yippee!! there wasnt any queue!

but.. i spent 20 minutes waiting for my luggage...
oh well. but all was over.. i met him. although i just met him in nov, but it was a long wait. long long wait.

he was tired too. sleepy. although i was sleepy too. but no, i had to keep awake to keep talking, to keep him awake.

i was a little hungry. he drove me to have pig organ's soup. and lucky me! it was still opened, although it was supposed to be closed at that timing....

yummy! i was full and happy. and we reached his house. it was quite late already. his parents were asleep.

and so.. i slept in his room. we were tired. we din bathe. and we slept.

good nite dear. very happy to be able to hug him to sleep.


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