Monday, April 18, 2011

Aren't we supposed to switch off all electronic gadgets during take off and landing?

Inconsiderate.. Super inconsiderate man I saw on the plane just now...

I thought we were supposed to switch off all electronic gadgets during take off and landing?
No... I saw a man just now on the plane... He played his Ipad during take off AND landing... And guess what? He was playing the mahjong game on Ipad... I stole a glance and heard the sound effects of the game..

Super inconsiderate...
And I heard him scold the air stewardess before take off... He had requested for a blanket and guess the air stewardess didnt remember his seat number... She came with a bag of blankets and gave to those people who raised their hand then to ask for the blankets... Guess the man wasnt happy that he had requested first and didnt get his blanket first.. And so scolded the air stewardess "Whats wrong with you...?"
The poor air stewardess kept apologising...

Fucker.. Really felt like turning to him and say Hey don't you know that you are not supposed to switch on electronic gadgets during take off and landing...?????


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