Saturday, October 29, 2016
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Monday, October 24, 2016
Saturday, October 22, 2016
At a Kelong in Bintan
The evening clouds before the Mayday Concert in Aug this year.
I still love clouds as I used to be.
He can forget everything about me but hopefully he still remembers the clouds and still remembers what the clouds meant to us in the past.
Memory Recall
Was clearing my computer stuff.
Finally got the courage to open the folder which I hadnt opened in ages...
Some emails I saved. Photos that we took. I read the emails. Looked through the photos. Flashes came back.
Reminds me of how young we were. How simple we were. Just an email from each other could keep us happy the whole day.
Technology. Improved throughout the years we were together. From msn, emails, messages to skype, blackberry messaging.. Now facetime, whatsapp.
Too bad. We couldnt survive till the end. If not, the advanced technology could have helped us alot.
Anyway. Its to be remembered. He should be leading a happy life now, with his small family. I am still alone, taking care of my family.
I guess when one gets older and when one is alone for a long time, it is seriously difficult to imagine another person coming into your life. Fear of being cheated and being given up again.
But there is also the fear of being alone once you reaches forties....
So much fears in life.....
But still I still believe, Everything happens for a reason. Maybe the time is not ripe yet. Maybe the one has not appeared yet.
I am not as initiative as I used to be. I am definitely more slack when it comes to knowing more friends.
Age... It shows. Maybe not on faces but definitely on the attitude and behaviour....
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Tiring Week
Its a tiring week. Only Tuesday and I feel exhausted.
Thursday is the day for the big deal to happen. Cant wait. Get it over and done with so that I can take leave.
Hang in there.
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Thursday, October 13, 2016
A country that I have fond memories of.
I still remembered the first time he brought me to watch movie in a cinema in Thailand. I was amazed at the fact that, before the movie starts, there will be a video singing praises of the Thai King, showing the things he did for the Country. And people would stand up, as form of respect when the video starts. At first I found it awkward. But as it got more frequent, I got used to it. So I am not new to the Thai King...
I dont really know alot history of the Thai King. But thanks to him, I knew quite abit. That the King is well-respected and loved by all Thais.
Today. The Thai King passed away. The country is in a period of mourning. RIP.
And if he is feeling upset too, just like all Thais, I send my regards to him as well.
Saturday, October 08, 2016
Afternoon KTV!
KTV in the afternoon! But voice wasn't that good today... slight cough.
Didnt sing much But I enjoyed listening to the songs!
Its always fun and destressing to go out with my friends on the weekends, whenever they are free!
Wednesday, October 05, 2016
Tuesday, October 04, 2016
Tremendous stress. Teaching a kid is really not easy. Facing it alone makes it worse.
Maybe I am expecting too much of him. Maybe I am independent, so I expect him to be the same. Maybe Maybes...
If I happen to meet the one in my life, would he be disappointed if I said I dont want to have kids?
Seeing the kids grown out of people's hands and comparing to the one out of my hands, I came to realise that Maybe I am not good at raising/teaching kids.
生小孩。 我怕。
Monday, October 03, 2016
I am finally nearer to the thing that I always wanted to do for myself. Although its 1 month later that I see him again... But I am still happy that I am taking steps.. Slowly but surely.
If more than 1 person say so, I should be it.
我应该是个很恐怖的人。 人人都怕我。
Seemingly harmless but seriously expecting too much out of people. Maybe maybe... Thats why.