Saturday, October 22, 2016

Memory Recall

Was clearing my computer stuff. 
Finally got the courage to open the folder which I hadnt opened in ages... 

Some emails I saved.  Photos that we took. I read the emails.  Looked through the photos.  Flashes came back. 

Reminds me of how young we were.  How simple we were.  Just an email from each other could keep us happy the whole day. 

Technology.  Improved throughout the years we were together.  From msn, emails, messages to skype, blackberry messaging.. Now facetime, whatsapp. 

Too bad.  We couldnt survive till the end.  If not, the advanced technology could have helped us alot. 

Anyway.  Its to be remembered.  He should be leading a happy life now, with his small family.  I am still alone, taking care of my family. 

I guess when one gets older and when one is alone for a long time, it is seriously difficult to imagine another person coming into your life.  Fear of being cheated and being given up again.  

But there is also the fear of being alone once you reaches forties.... 

So much fears in life..... 
But still I still believe, Everything happens for a reason.  Maybe the time is not ripe yet.  Maybe the one has not appeared yet.  

I am not as initiative as I used to be.  I am definitely more slack when it comes to knowing more friends.  

Age... It shows.  Maybe not on faces but definitely on the attitude and behaviour.... 



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