Saturday, August 19, 2006

checked email... and i saw that email that he sent me....

so wats that supposed to mean huh? friends help friends to find love... ??

saw his email.. i felt so.... ahh, dunno how to describe my feelings lor.. angry? nervous? excited? i dunno... totally CONFUSEd.... i only know i was simply bothered by that email....

i want to know why he sent tat to me.. or am i just conveniently on his contacts list? .........

i tot he wanted to let me know that he's single... but then when i go see his profile on the, it didn't state anywhere that he was single, and he also wasn't 'looking for love', he was just a 'helper', helping friends to find love.......... blah.......

yes i know.. i'm thinking of stupid stuff again......


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