Saturday, February 16, 2008

everybody's testing me recently.. alot of things made me angry. but then again, i dunno if i'm too petty or think too much.

i guess i am better after fuming for perhaps one day? hahaha.. anyway its a waste of energy to get angry, isnt it? but you need to somehow vent your anger..

sat. they came my hse bai nian and played one round of mahjong. i tot they will stay for long but they had another round at jp's house. finally saw wq. he came for awhile only.

wq talked to me recently abt boon's debts. well, there has been a communication breakdown between us. i find myself soo stupid. ppl say, once bitten twice shy. once, twice, thrice and i have not learnt my lesson. my heart aches when i think of the money.

been thinking alots recently. i have been spending lots of time and energy trying to know new guy friends in the hope that i can find one whom i can spend my life with. but apparently, it has not been working well.

for some the sparks are there, but its one-sided. sometimes the sparks just went off suddenly. e more u want it, e more it doesnt come to you, how true is that.

now.. perhaps i should just try to do something for myself. i feel like going overseas to work. i have not been really independent. i always have my parents by my side. but i know i am not the kind who can really bear to leave my loved ones at home and go out to the world. how contradicting..

i am not those who are ambitious or wish to climb up the corporate ladder. but i do feel like going out to experience the world outside. there are so many things to see and to learn about. to see how ppl in different parts of the world survive, so that my view wont be so narrow in life.

i wish .. i really wish..


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