Thursday, March 31, 2011

Kemp's hungry....

Kemp is feeling hungry.... He thought he was low... Asked us to test... Ended up he was normal at 10.8.
He wasnt low... He cant eat sweets nor food... He felt unhappy.. Actually he was hungry.

So we ended up giving him cashew nuts and peanuts... Nuts are the only things he could eat without affecting his blood sugEr level...
I hope his reading tomorrow morning would be normal... Nuts should not raise his reading... But I think the peanuts were abit sweet... I hope he would be normal tomorrow.... PRAYS HARD.


I have decided to bring them to Hong Kong in May... I hope its a correct choice. I hope I can be a good guide and good planner to them....

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I had his favourite bak ku teh for dinner today... Soup Dark in colour and bitter in taste...
Nice dinner.... But diarrhoea thereafter... Wondered what I ate wrong in the afternoon....


Today is Kemp's english tuition class at 5 plus... My mum called at 4 plus and told me that Kemp was crying and didnt want to go to his english tuition class... Actually Kemp had more than 1 time cried over not wanting to go to his english tuition class... He was scared of the teacher.. He said he didnt understand The teacher... And he was super unhappy over attending the english tuition class... He would tell dad that he dont want to go.. And asked my mum if he had english tuition class the next day.... So many signs at the initial stage and we didnt bother to talk to the teacher....

Until today... He burst out crying... And insisted on not going.... I told him before I would change tuition centre for him if he really cant understand the teacher.... And today he didnt go to the class...

I went to find the teacher after work and talked to her. She said Kemp was okay in class and was clever... However she realised that Kemp will get gan chiong and stressed and cry if others had finished their work already and he haven finished... Kiasu attitude Kemp has.

When I got home, I wanted to insist that he keep going for his english tuition class but he didnt want... Insisted on not going and insisted on changing tuition centre...

I am confused. I want to change Kemp's english teacher... I have to change. For he really dont like the teacher and he really dont want to go and I dont want to force him to go cos I am afraid that it will create his dislike for English and perhaps phobia of English...

But on the other hand I dont want him to think that he can change teacher as and when he dont like it.... Dont want to instill such thinking in him....

...... What should I do? Its a must to change teacher now but I am afraid that he will take it for granted and thinks that he can change as long as he dont like it..... Haiz..... Stressed. Confused.

Hopefully... Things will get better once I changed his teacher for him.... And he wont take it for granted... And I am just thinking too much.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I have a boy whose Learning ability is not that good... He finds it hard to concentrate and forgets easily... Always repeat the same mistakes... And now he is afraid of attending his english lessons.. Maybe the teacher is too fierce.. Or maybe he doesnt understand what his teacher is saying as the teacher is an indian... Maybe she has got an accent or slang and talks too fast...

I am thinking of changing teacher or talk to the teacher first.. But so many things to consider... Whether when this class will end, whether the other class will accept boy at this moment...

I also have a nagging mother whose health isnt that good... Just had an argument with her... She wAs clearing the cupboards in the house today until her leg ache... And she lose her temper easily when she isnt feeling well.. She said she had to clean the cupboards as my aunties are coming over my house on 10 Apr to pay respects to the ancestors...

So I asked "is there a need to clean...? As if they will actually spotcheck the house cleanliness..."
Then I continued... You want to clean then dont clean till you ache.. And when you ache, you nag and nag and complain this aching that aching....

Then she got fed up and said "Ok, next time anywhere ache also dont say already... I will suffer the pain myself...."
And I said... Ya that would be good... So troublesome....

I sounded bad right? But I am so so tired....
Need to have patience with boy... And I need to deal with someone who has lived for ages but yet dunno how to think and take care of herself.... Haiz... It gets tiring at times.

Cant imagine life without my Dad....

Monday, March 28, 2011

I am a slave...

I am a slave... A maid... A money provider... An administrative executive...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Stomach stomach stomach.....

I ate awfully chocolate cake yesterday... This morning woke up and felt really hungry.. The hunger was that kind of unbearable hunger and I desperately needed to have food almost immediately.... And so I ate some food... But the food din lasts... I felt hungry soon after.... So desperate for food until I ate Kemp's biscuits...

This hunger feeling so familiar.... It has came before, left... And now its back?
I hope not....

If only...

If only they were financially independent with savings... If only they knew how to take care of themselves... If only I had an elder sibling to help take care...

If only....

Saturday, March 26, 2011

I am a maid...

Went out with my parents and kemp.. To my aunt's birthday party.

Maid again to Kemp...

Some love just Wont be reciprocated...
I feed Kemp. Teach him do homework. In control of his food intake. Control of his diabetes consumables. Speak to the doctors about his health every checkup. I do everything that his mum should be doing.... His mum? Do zero of the above....

Is Kemp going to call me mummy when he grow up? Is Kemp going to feed me when he grows up and I grow old?
Is Kemp going to be filial to me?
Come on... That is not going to happen....

And I wonder why I am slogging so hard for him for......?
For him to return his kindness? Or for him to feed me when I grow old.. ?

Some love.... Would not be reciprocated as you want them to be...
My mum went to the doctor's today.. Took her blood pressure pills and the doctor took her blood pressure.
Her blood pressure was good and normal today...

I am happy.. I should be happy...
I have so many things on my mind... But yet I don't know what to write here.....

Friday, March 25, 2011

Happy.... And yet unhappy....

Happy that I have eaten my ice cream... Ordered 8 scoops of chocolate and vanila coupled with biscuits and hot fudge... It was a big bowl and yummy for me as it has been a long while since I had ice cream....

Wanted kemp to hide from my mum that we had ice cream.. Didnt want her to feel sad as she cant have ice cream anymore... Anything sweet for her would make her leg ache again.... But that boy... Not reliable at all... The more we wanted him to hide... The more he said out...

Could sense her disappointment in her tone of voice... Wondered if she felt sad about the ice cream or the fact that we went cafe cartel for dinner without her.... Sigh... Sorry maybe I shouldnt have a feast of ice cream knowing that she cant eat....

And kemp... Having ate such a large amount of ice cream... His reading may be high tomorrow.... Sigh... Scared.. Worried... But ice cream already eaten...

And myself.. As I ate, I can feel bloatedness in my stomach... And my stomach churning as I eat... But I couldnt care more... Since I am at it, might as well eat more... So I ate and ate.... And so now, I am feeling super bloated... And will wait for the diarrhoea tomorrow.... And it may make my day a bad hair day tomorrow...

Sigh... Its only that few moments of happiness when eating ice cream... After eating, there is so much things to worry about....
So.... Was it happy or unhappy?
Should I eat ice cream tonight knowing that I will have diarrhoea and bad hair day tomorrow??
Should I...... ? Should I not...?

Hmm... But super tempted by the sweetness of ice cream.....

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I am going as planned...

Its a 5-day holiday cum meetup... Only 5 days.
Since he thinks nothing of the maybe-loss of 1 half day or maybe 2 half days or more of the meetup in april... I shall not think too much also.

I will go as planned.. Buy the things I need to.. Do the things I want.. And try to enjoy myself even if I am alone.
I want to lead the life I want during the 5 days... To enjoy myself and spend for myself and not be a maid and a money provider to my family... Just for the 5 days.
Maybe one day I'll ruin this relationship with my own hands...
But I am tired of making everybody else but myself happy... I am tired of doing things for other people....
So I wan to make myself happy whenever possible... I need to do something for myself... I need to make myself happy..

I may sound selfish... But I am definitely not selfish to my family.

Is it because this year I am turning 29....?

Again.... Never Ending....

As usual he is busy. As usual his projects again. And the unlucky thing is? His project deadline is on 18th Apr and I will be going from 12 Apr to 17 Apr....

And there will be a day or two that I am expected to tag along in his project meetings or shop alone in an ulu shopping centre or shop alone in a shopping centre for 3-6 hours as we need to take account travelling and traffic jam time or fall asleep in some unknown cafe while waiting.....

Without any choice. I wont know how to travel to anywhere.. Wont have friends that I can choose to meet.. Wont have a choice of sleeping late at home too...

And the Worst thing about quarrels? He only think of what HE has done for this relationship and forgets about what I have done...

And I badly need a break from all my responsibilities here... I need to get away. To anywhere. To have fun and play. To make myself happy. I need and must make myself happy.

Anyway I am tired.. Really tired.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I want to talk and complain... But...

My back's still aching.. =(

Its been quiet the whole day...
He's busy... Again.
I am alone.. Again.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Elmo's workshop this week...

Elmo went to attend a workshop this week... This workshop aims to improve our overall client servicing... And how we can improve when servicing clients... I attended a similar briefing last year and I thought I will be attending this workshop as well... But in the end, elmo got invited to attend the workshop...

Before elmo went for the workshop.. I told her something about this workshop.. I told her that I have a feeling that the outcome of the workshop would be to set up a general client servicing team to serve all the customers... Which will make our jobs redundant... And I have emphasized during the briefing last year that we do want to continue servicing our clients and what makes it difficult for us to service the clients is because we cannot get our backroom people's assistance...

I told elmo that the workshop is to improve backroom's turnaround time to us and not getting rid of our jobs...
And she msged me today that I am right, the people in the workshop is really thinking of forming a client servicing team to service all the clients....

And my worst fear came true.. I mean if that idea were to go up to the management and get approved...
It will make our jobs redundant...

And then.... What is going to happen to us....?

Primary school for Kemp

Was talking to Yue liang during lunch today.. She was bothered about choosing primary school for her daughter... Her daughter's starting primary school next year and she has to start choosing... Choose is one thing.. Balloting is another... Getting it or not is another thing...

Listening to her... I realised that there are alot of research to be done on the school... School facilities, PSLE passing rate of the school, whether or not the school has remedial classes for the weaker students, and couple of things... She went to read forums to see what other parents or other people has to say about the school... Alot of things she has done...
And she say I have to start that for Kemp.. To bring him to open houses of the schools and understand more about the school....

One more thing on my to-do list....
Am I too kiasu? Guess not... Cos Kemp is in K2 next year...
His mum? Nope.. Not going to depend on her... Maybe she would give some ridiculous ideas that I am absolutely not going to approve of...
Headache now... And still pain in my lower back.

Dunno why pain in my lower back... But I know why headache... Not sleeping well these days... Keep having dreams. Sometimes I remember the dreams but in bits and pieces.. Sometimes I dont remember the dreams.

Its bad... To have bad sleeps.

I can see it coming...

I can sense a quarrel..
Its a cycle.. I needed him... He wasn't free.. And then he was still busy... Then I gave up... Then he began coming back when he's free and available.. I felt it was meaningless anymore cos I could depend on myself to get rid of my unhappiness.. Then he got fed up over my no-replies.. And he got defensive.. And I got defensive too.. And he began to bring up past incidents.. And then I got fed up cos he should focus on the incident that just passed... And then it was defensiveness and arguments.. Each trying to argue their own viewpoints... Then its a few days of quiet..... And the cycle just keep repeating itself.

It is so repetitive that I can Forsee what is coming...
I am trying to stop at the stage where I start becoming defensive.. In order to stop this vicious cycle.
But I cant help......

"Feel like an idiot looking at my HP all the time even when the phone dun ring."
And I wasnt an idiot .. holding on to my BB the whole day waiting for his 2nd or 3rd msg.....

Monday, March 21, 2011

Things would be different now if he had been there for me during my worst days.. If he had been there During the days I needed attention desperately.. If he had been there During the days I needed a lending ear desperately...

No apology thereafter.. And totally no sound from my BB the next day..
I was in great disappointment. It was till then I realised that I only had myself...
The lowest part of my back hurts.. Wonder did I hurt it during yoga or what... Or is it something else...?
Getting paranoid all over again...

The almost blackout was scary... I had a feeling my face was going pale and the whole room sudden darken... Not as bright as it should be..
Scary... I stopped and rested and caught my breath and then went easy on the remaining postures....

Nearly blacked out...

原来不够睡做 hot yoga 会头晕。。。

And so... Everything are lies...

He's been lying... She's been lying... Everybody's lying to me....
And so.. No one can be trusted.
Another sleepless night....

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Paranoid these days...

My mum's finally back from malaysia..... So late.... Kept me worried the whole night...

Keep having negative thoughts these days...

Trying so hard...

Trying so hard to control kemp's food intake and sugar reading... So that he will be healthy... Have sleepless nights over his sugar readings... Worrying about his next day's sugar reading... Worrying about his future in terms of health and studies....
Looking after him 24/7 possible and educating him..

Just 1 trip out with his parents... Makes me feel that all my efforts are in vain... And how his own parents are so uninformed of their son's condition after so long....

I thought kemp is being educated by me on his own condition.. I thought he really understood and will abide by the rules...
But once we are out of sight.... He just eat and eat sweets... And the 2 adults with him knowingly allowed him... Are they his parents??

I am really upset... How will it be like in the future? When he attends school and we are out of sight? We have to pack sweets for him in case of emergency... Are we going to see him finishing all the sweets everyday?
He has to be educated. He has to listen and abide by the rules.

I am not going to allow him to go out with his parents anymore unless we are around...
Raining. My plans... Thwarted.


A lending ear. Consolation. At times when I need most. Only things he could do for me. Yet he couldnt do it. Fell asleep in the midst of consoling me.. What can I say? What can I do?

Could he offer me a hug? No. Could he solve it personally for me? No. Could he be here with me and helped me in my difficult times? No.

And now? Nothing from him. Not even a beep or vibration.
Feels like throwing my BB down the rubbish chute...

And so I am alone. Physically. Mentally. Morally.
Sunday. I have an urge to go down to Bugis to buy my bubble tea... And eat lots of ice cream.
In the midst of consoling me.. He disappeared suddenly.. Without a word. My guess? He fell asleep..

I thought he was supposed to make me feel better.. To cheer me up...
But no... He disappeared suddenly.

And this is his so-called lOve me.. His so-called worried about me... His so-called want me to be happy...

I cant really rely on other people... I cant rely on him...
I only have myself and me.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

It was just temporary peace....

Wanted to have some quiet and peaceful times at home... I didn't want to go out.
They went out.. I was at home, reading book and fell asleep.

They came home.. And then it was noise noise and more NOISE...

Kemp was low at 1.1.. Ate sweets before that... So he was lower before that.
Gave him sweets immediately.. He was low and was in a bad mood. Scolded dad for driving so slowly.. Scolded mum for spending so much time at the temple and while buying food... Scolded everyone but himself...

I scolded him for not eating enough breakfast in the morning.. He cried and cried and throw tantrums...
It was super NOISY....

guess what will be the outcome if I went? I would be able to measure his reading on the van when dad was driving and gave him sweets immediately... Then he wouldn't have threw his tantrums when he got home...

All this unhappiness just because I wanted some time to myself and hid at home..

How to make myself less important...? How to make my responsibility lesser in this house?
How to......
I am really very tired............
How to be independent.....?

I have to be independent...

I have to be independent... I have to be independent... I have to be independent... I have to be independent... I have to be independent... I have to be independent...I have to be independent... I have to be independent... I have to be independent... I have to be independent... I have to be independent...I have to be independent... I have to be independent... I have to be independent... I have to be independent... I have to be independent...

Friday, March 18, 2011

i love taimei

My latest favourite..
Lemon Ice Jelly (爱玉柠檬)

I flared when I got the attention at the unnecessary times....
I almost flared when I didnt get the attention at necessary times.....

Its just plain bad luck... Dunno for me or for him...

Its really just plain BAD luck...

Always feel lonely and alone when I need help...
He is always busy and packed when I need help...
I always dont feel his presence when I need help and feels like crying...
And so I get frustrated and he gets defensive... And then we'll quarrel.. Its a vicious cycle..

I really wonder why...

Retail therapy.. Chocolates.. My favourite food... To get me over difficult times.... I can only rely on these.


Really feels like crying these days...
Work's busy.. Mum's health making me worried and sleepless.. Worried about kemp's health and learning ability..
Somehow I dont look forward to the future.... Im worried and scared of the future...
But nobody really understands... Nobody really does.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

My mum's coughing again....
I hope I am thinking too much... I hope its just the common flu....

But the scariest thoughts haunt me.. Day and night.
My mum's sick again... Down with cold and cough.

You dont be with a person to change him/her.....

原来 the person I dislike most is myself...
I feel silly... Carrying 2 smartphones with me.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Im glad that she went exercise this morning... My dad just told me when I asked...
Hope she continues...
And I realised today... That my LC actually sends email to my bosses telling them I am on mc and that she is covering me....

Is there a need for her to send the email when she has already put a sign on the laptop and in-tray saying that I am on mc and to forward all mails to her?

I wonder... If she has other motives.... Oh well, I can also do the same back to her....
Should woman live for the man they love? Or should they live for themselves...?

Isnt it tiring to live for other people?

Or maybe its just plain jealousy...

Retail Therapy... Again.

I bought myself a pair of beige heels at Alegra today... Again.

I have to stop spending....

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Menses pain.... Super painful.
And I cant sleep now....
=( =(
I went out to the living room to watch the 9pm show... And they went back to their respective rooms.

And so..... Nobody understands me.
.... As long as things go the way they should.... I guess this doesn't matter...

At a loss..

Other than raising my voice and be fierce to them and them to be scared of me, I dunno what I can do.
Talking to them nicely doesnt work.. Not in this family.

And instead of getting the support I need... I got questioned and scolded.

Whatever... I don't need other people to agree with the way I do things.
In any case, I have always been alone in solving my problems.. And ya, I will get remarks like "She dont need me..." and blah...
How to need someone when the someone is not physically beside me? I have to be independent....


Regrets. Regrets. Regrets about staying at home today.

As if it's not enough dealing with Kemp alone... Now I still have my Mum to deal with.

And I am damn pissed off.. Ask her to exercise, no. Ask her to stop eating sweet stuff, no. Everything that helps, no.

.............. I am pissed off.

Monday, March 14, 2011


I didn't get invited.. She did.

I'm upset.. Sigh.

I guess she is still better than me...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Burnout... I think I know the feeling.

All pictures.. And no words.

Let's pray hard... For Japan.

Wondering what is happening to Earth now...

Oh well... We better cherish the times that we have now....

Saturday, March 12, 2011

This was taken during Kemp's birthday this year...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Should we live to eat.. Or eat to live?

I am troubled....

My hands are full...

My hands are full... With my parents and kemp...

I feels stressed... A heavy burden.

I don't want other burdens.. Don't want other things or persons to add to my burden..

That's all I can bear... Enough of other things...

Sunday, March 06, 2011

I realised recently, my dad's van's aircon hasn't been working too well.. It doesn't get cold during those hot sunny afternoons...


How hard it must be on him to do delivery of goods in his van during those sunny afternoons... When the aircon isn't that cold...

My dad wants to buy a new queen sized bed for kemp's room.. To replace the existing one.

That bed has been around for ages.. And my dad suspects its the bed that has been making kemp itch during the night...

And so, its time to change.

And.. Its time to spend again...

Friday, March 04, 2011

My dad wants to learn how to use Internet...

We met at IMM for dinner... And my dad suddenly asked if the laptop in the living room could be used for Internet.. I said yes and I asked why?

He wants to learn Internet.. To upgrade himself, he says.

He might lose his current job.. But not now. Maybe in the future when the company cannot survive.. His boss might help to refer him to another company.. But that company is a big one which requires some internet or computer knowledge.. And so he needs to upgrade...

I thought he wanted to drive a taxi? But he says no.. He's old, can't really tahan driving for long hours...

And so... That means I will have a heavier burden in future....

My boss lost her diamond wedding band....

At about 4 plus on a Friday afternoon.. My boss looked very flustered, walking to us and asked if we seen her ring in the washroom... Nope, we didn't...

She looked flustered, anxious and look as though she is about to burst out crying....

Having worked with her so many years, I have never seen her like that...

She lost her wedding band, with diamonds.

I wonder.. If she was anxious over the value of the ring or over the meaning of the ring..?

And she was just promoted.. Well, I don't think it was over the value of the ring...

And so, a wedding band means a lot to a woman? I guess to most woman.....

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

We quarrelled.. Again.

I guessed it arose on Sunday, when I went to JP's house for steamboat.. Waited for Shalley to come but in the end, she lost her way and stayed uncontactable thereafter. We were worried about her but we had to wait for news from her. We left at about 6 plus and I reached home at 7. Dad told me kemp and mum were at a funfair carnival at the marketplace near house. And so I went there to look for them.. It was damn crowded.. Had to queue for a lot of play-stations. I was messenging him from outside and I had a headache from the noise and crowd.

I commented something like "Is my english very hard to understand?" Not knowing that some of messenges didn't go through.. And so he didn't get fully what I said.. We almost quarrelled until I apologised. Well, it was a genuine mistake for I thought all my messenges went through.. Only after that then I realised my messenges didn't go through.. And that was end of Sunday. Tired and I slept early.


Monday. Shalley replied our msg and she commented that she had a lot of sorrows that she preferred not to share. Even msg JP that she married the wrong man.. We were concerned and decided to go her house look for her after work.. Decided to have dinner near her house as an excuse to meet her.

And so I told him. He was okay with it. And so it ended with a take-away dinner at her house and chatting at Mac thereafter. But our mission weren't accomplished as her husband joined us at Mac. Shalley asked him to drive us to Mac, which was not very near her house and I guessed asked her husband to stay with us as she needed someone to drive her home thereafter. And so we chatted about our old poly days.. Chatted until we lost track of time.

He called at 10.. Asking me why I have not gone home. Well, I was in the midst of chatting.. And everyone had looked at me when my phone rang.. And so I quickly put down the phone and continued. Didn't want to spoil the atmosphere. But we didn't continue for long. Stopped the conversation and her husband drove us to the MRT thereafter.

Gaius stayed in CCK and so we took the same train back. He asked if the one who called was him. I said yes and even told him that he's just concerned about me staying out late and not having enough sleep for work the next day. Were talking to Gaius about shalley stuff throughout the journey. He got off at CCK and I msg him that I was on way back home.

He called me thereafter. Told him that I didn't liked it when he called when I was in the midst of talking with my friends. I know he was concerned. But come on, I'm not a kid anymore. I know the timing and all that. I know I had to work the next day. I know I won't have enough sleep. But the moment I agreed to meet them after work on a Monday, I was prepared for all this. So I told him that. And that we only settled down at abt 8. He didn't expect us to stop and leave at 9 right?

He went quiet. He said he won't do that again. Ok. I wasn't scolding him. I just didn't like the feeling that he was controlling me.. And chasing me to quickly go home. I don't always go out and I have few friends. Can't I stay out a little longer, a little later?

Tuesday. After a long day yesterday I obviously was tired. The morning conversation was short as I was tired and I didn't want to find topics to talk about. I guessed he felt that I was angry and didn't want to talk. Why did he not realise that it was because I was tired and so I didn't want to talk??

6 plus. I wanted to stay back a bit later to finish my work and go home eat dinner and sleep. But he had to bring up shalley's issue. Suggested that I meet her alone on Fri and blah.. Come on, do we need him to even advise us on that? In the morning we had discussed about it already and intended to find a chance to meet shalley alone one of these days..

Probably I was tired and didn't sound too good. But what I meant was that can he, a big MAN do things that a man should do, I.e his work his studies his assignments and not bother himself with such small matters like the emotional state of my girlfriend??

I mean for such emotional matters of girls, its usually for other girlfriends to go and ask and share and listen and suggest.. Its So unusual for guys to go and share unless they are gay.

So when he asked and gave me suggestions, I suddenly felt that its so girly of him.. And that he should spend time on other matters, other big and more serious matters and not such girl matters.. He said he was trying to find other topics to talk to me.. But sorry, that was a bad topic to talk about.

And now he thinks I should apologise for all the things.. And that I'm being stubborn for not apologising and that I'm denying all the facts that I threw temper.. But where did I throw temper? When did I ever scold him? Scolding should be more fierce more harsh.. When was I ever harsh and fierce during these 2 days?

I don't understand..
And as usual, our same problem now. He don't understand me and I don't understand him...